f i f t y // WHY?!

983 38 12

Zara's POV.

"Ross," I breathed out. "That's me," he said casually before he gasped. "Zara."

"You're dead!" He yelled all of sudden. "W-what?" I asked confused. We heard a knock at the door and everyone's head snapped to my mother banging against the door. The fans already left.

Bryan unlocked the door and my mother rushed inside the store. "Don't you dare talk to her!" She screamed furious. "KYRA!" They all gasped. "What is happening?" I asked sobbing. "Come on Zara! We're leaving!"

She gripped onto my wrist and her rings dig into my skin as I yelped. She dragged me out if the store and I looked back to see some of them crying. Who are they and why is my mother like that? I have so many questions.

"You little brat!" My mom yelled as we arrived home. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She screamed frustrated and pushed me into my small room. I felt something collide with my face which made me gasp. She hit me again and again. "All those years...FOR NOTHING!"

I was on the floor crying and she hit me over and over again. "Why didn't you die?! Why?" She screamed again while I was crying. What has gotten into her? What have I done?

Blood was on the floor and it was running out of my skin like a waterfall. My Mom left and I heard her screaming. "WHY? WHY ARE THEY HERE?" I cringe at the sound of something smashing to the ground.

She was destroying our house. I've never been so damn confused. Who were those people in the music store? Why was my mother freaking out about it? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

Ross' POV.

I was crying. The last time I cried was at Zara's funeral and now I'm crying because I found out that Zara is alive. "Ross c'mon we're going to the police," Riker said as he came towards me. I shook my head crying.

"Uhm, I'm Bryan the guy she met in youth prison. I'm a friend of hers and work with her. Can I come with you?"

"Sure buddy," Rocky said and leaded him to our van. "Where is Jay?" Rydel asked curiously. "Already in the van, crying his eyes out just like Ross," Ryland told her before they walked off. I felt Riker grabbing my arm before he yanked me up to my feet and dragged me to the van.


"Kyra Ann Walker & Zara Sabrina Walker," Riker told the police as they talked about how we can have Zara back. All those years I thought that I will never see her again. Yet, here I am.

"We know the whereabouts and be immediately on our way," the police man assured us before he disappeared. Another police man told us to wait here until they return with Zara & Kyra. She's 19 years old and I can't believe I missed the last five years. What if she had a boyfriend in the time she was gone? What if she still has one?

"So you're her friend?" Jay asked that Bryan guy who told us that he was a friend. "Yea, I met her in youth prison and we were friends back then. I have to warn you guys though because she doesn't remember anything from her early life. She doesn't know that she was in youth prison or that she has a brother she only remembers the last five years with her mom who told her a bunch of lies."

"B-but she remember m-me, didn't she?" I asked trembling. "I asked her if she knew you and she just said that she doesn't know before she went to you," Ratliff explained slightly confused by his own words.

I sighed and we waited...for good two hours until police officers dragged Kyra inside the building. I jumped to my feet and ran outside hoping to see Zara, but no she wasn't here. "Where is she?!" I asked almost yelling.

"She will be here any minute. She's in the hospital because she needs stitches on her forehead and hand. No need to worry though, she's fine," yet another police officer said as he closed the door of the car. I sat on the ground and waited again until another police car pulled into the parking lot of the police station.

I jumped to my feet and ran towards the car. The car door opened and Zara got out of the car as tears ran down her cheeks. "Zara," I breathed out all the pain over the many years, missing her, was gone. She was finally back.


My heart sunk as I nodded slowly. "Oh my god!" Rydel's voice came from behind me. Zara's eyebrow raised as she examined Rydel's behavior. "Zara do you remember one of us?" Jay asked her with hope in his eyes.

"Yea," she said and we all let out a sigh of relief. "Bryan from work," she added making our hopes disappear in a twinkle of an eye. "Not even me?" I whispered so only she could hear. She gulped and shook her head slowly.

"Who are you?" She asked as she wiped her tears and looked at all of us. "Well, long story," Ryland said before the same police man who drove her here told her to come inside and tell them what happened.

"I'll be back, I guess," Zara said and followed the guy. "I can't believe it's her," Rocky admitted and we all agreed to his statement. "Do you think she'll come with us back to LA?" Rydel asked no one in particular.

"I pretty much hope so," was all Riker had to say to her question. What if she doesn't want to move back with us because she's afraid since she doesn't know us? "Don't you guys worry about that. I'm sure she will come with us after we tell her that I'm her twin brother and that Ross is...was? Her boyfriend," Jay assured us and all we could do for now was hope.


I decided against the plan of the police not finding them and stuff like that because it's just that it wouldn't have been possible at all, anyways.

I hope you enjoyed it <3

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