e l e v e n // too much fun

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Ross' POV.

I don't mind carrying her for like half an hour but I guess three hours is a bit different. It's obvious that she feels sorry but I feel sorry as well.

"Excuse me, I heard your little sister broke her ankle. We have this kind of a car so you don't have to carry her," a stranger said when he came to us with this thingy where Zara can sit in.

(I don't know how to call that :D)

"Thank you very much," I said to the guy and he just nodded in respond. I'm glad that I don't have to carry her.

"People shouldn't just call people what they think they are. I mean what if a 20 year old is together with a 40 year old and someone walks by and says 'your daughter is hot' or something," Zara said to us.

"Yea it would've been hilarious if he said that you're Ross girlfriend or something like that," Rocky said laughing. I coughed and laughed awkwardly along with Ross.

About an hour later we decided to go home. I looked to my side and saw Zara peaceful asleep. I chuckled, picked her up and placed her in that car thingy.


A few weeks later

Zara's POV.

"Have fun!" I yelled to Riker, Ross, Rocky, Rydel & Ratliff who were about to hit the stage. It's the first concert of the short tour.

Tomorrow is mine and Ross' 1 month anniversary. No one noticed that we're a couple and to be honest I didn't thought it would turn out great.

I mean, we didn't said 'I love you' to each other but we didn't even had a minute alone. Sometimes I think I'm not the kind of a girlfriend for him because I'm only 14 and almost 15.

By the way my ankle wasn't broken at all so it healed quickly.

"We're going on a party today," Ryland informed me. "I'm going to bed, you guys can have fun," I said with a nod.

"You sure?" Ryland asked curious. "Yea why not?" I said with a shrug. "It's the club right next to the hotel so if something's wrong you can just come," Ryland told me and I just nodded in respond.

We're staying at a hotel and Rydel & Ratliff are sharing a room just like Ross & Ryland which means Riker, Rocky & I are sharing a room as well.

I didn't mind them going on a party even when I think that they're going to come back drunk. I stood by the stage and sang a long to their songs since they forced me to listen to their albums also because they rehearsed lots of times the last few weeks.


"You're okay to stay alone?" Riker asked to be sure since he's in charge. "Yea, I'm going to sleep anyways," I told him with a nod.

"Alright, don't let anyone in because we have a key," he said for the fourth time. I just nod and shove them out of the room.

They left and I made myself ready for bed.

I turned the TV on and watched random things. I looked through my new twitter, Rydel & I made a few days ago, and tweeted some people. R5Family to be exact.

I totally bursted out laughing when a girl threatened to hurt me when I make a move on one of the boys. People need to calm down I'm just a human and they don't even know me.

Suddenly I saw a tweet of another fan saying that she's at a party and met R5. She wants the boys to get drunk as well as she is so they could make out.

One word...disgusting.

I shrugged it off and continued to watch TV.

I also called Stormie and asked her if she's alright and stuff. She couldn't talk much since a guy took her out on a date. I mean, who wouldn't date her? She's an amazing women.

I still can't believe Mark & Kyra (My Mom). Mark is an asshole for cheating on Stormie. She didn't deserved all of this.

I didn't told Stormie that they're on a party though.

Since I've made myself a twitter and R5 tweeting to follow me since I live with them, people from my past are texting me and asking if I want to meet up with them, at my house of course.

I either didn't texted back and blocked their numbers or I texted that I wasn't interested and blocked their numbers though.

In the middle lf my thoughts I heard a knock at the door. I know Riker told me not to open so I looked through that hole thingy and saw that it was only Ross.

I opened the door with a smile which turned into a frown immediately when he was holding a girls hand.

I mean, she was gorgeous but what does he think he's doing?

"Wrooong roooom upppps," he blurred. Damn, he was so drunk. "Ross what are you doing with her?" I asked gesturing to the blonde girl who's probably about to pass out any minute.

"Have sex, duh," he blureed with a smirk when he kissed her right in front of my eyes.

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