s i x // Paint Fight

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Two Weeks Later

Zara's POV.

The last two weeks where awesome. We had so much fun! We played football in the yard and had pool partys and stuff like that.

Mark moved out and Stormie decided to leave. She moved to her parents in Colorado. They split but didn't get devorced, yet. We have no idea if they'll find their way back to each other or not.

I looked at the body mirror and sighed. I'm not one of those girls who say their fat even when their skinny but I really am fat.

Well, I'm chubby and I don't exercise. I'm not one of those who want to be models, actresses or singers. I always wanted to be a manager.

"Zara! Are you ready?!" I heard Riker yelling from downstairs. "Yea! One sec!" I yelled when I fixed my hair and made my way down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked Riker who was waiting for me. "We're going to paint the walls in our new house and we talked to Mom & Dad and if you want you can move in with us. By the way everyone is in the van already so hurry," he said which made ne smile.

I followed him to the van and sat in the middle row on the left, next to Rocky. Ratliff sat next to Rocky on the right while Riker drove the car and Rydel was in the passenger seat. Ryland & Ross where the ones in the back.

"So do you want to move in with us?" Rydel asked me when she turned around to face me. Everyone else, except Riker of course, looked at me as well.

"Of course," I answered with a grin they all cheered which made me giggle. I didn't wanted to live with Stormie in Colorado it's better with six adults who are like crazy kids. Just like me.

A few minutes later we arrived at an even bigger house. "It's awesome," I said when I got out of the van. "Wait until you see the inside," Rydel said when Riker unlocked the front door.

This house...looks awesome.

"We decided to let the walls in the halls and in the living room white. The kitchen will be in a kind of light brown," Riker informed everyone.

"I'll do the kitchen," Ratliff said when he took the paint. "Me too," Rocky aded and went to help Ratliff.

"Okay then, you'll start downstairs where Ryland's, Ross' & Zara's rooms are," Riker said when we made our way downstairs. There was another living room and a long hall.

"Me & Riker start painting upstairs where our rooms, along with Ratliff's and Rocky's, are while you three start painting here," Rydel informed us.

We nodded and they left. "Okay what color should the bathroom be?" Ryland asked when we entered the bathroom.

"Light blue?" I asked them. "Yea," they agreed. So the three of us will share this bathroom and everyone else upstairs share their own? Yea probably.

The bathroom is really big. In the middle is a wall because there is a shower on the right side and a shower on the left side so two people could shower at the same time. It's like two bathrooms in one.

The good thing is that you can't see the one who's showering or doing their business on the other side.

"Or we could paint this side light blue and this side in another color," Ryland suggested. "PINK!" I yelled when I threw my arms in the air, cheering.

"Fine," they agreed. "Yes!" I yelled again which made them chuckle.

The boys walked upstairs where they had bought lots of paint and of course they had pink as well as blue.

They came back downstairs and handed me the pink paint. They also handed me a brush and I started painting. The shower, sink, toilet and stuff where in foil so they couldn't get full with paint.


"I'm going upstairs to look how far everyone else is," Ryland said when he left our bathroom.

Suddenly I felt to cold hands on my cheeks. I squealed when I realized that Ross had paint rubbed all over my face.

"Ross!" I exclaimed when I turned around to find him smirking. I took the brush and splashed the paint into his face.

I laughed until he threw more paint at me. Soon we had a paint fight and I slipped and fell on the ground with Ross on top of me.

His face was blue & pink, probably just like mine.

I smiled and so did he.

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