f o r t y - s i x // Road Trip (2)

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Zara's POV.

You're a killer! You killed a human being! I hope you'll rot in hell for what you did! No one will look at you the same after you killed him! You're a psychopath!

I looked at the guys face and then down to where I stabbed him. The knife was still pressed into his skin as the blood was running out of the wound. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open.

The shocked expressions on my loved ones faces made my heart sunk. "YOU'RE A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING!" Jay yelled at me. "Why did I ever loved you? You don't deserve to be loved!" Ross screamed right in my face.

"No!" I screamed and fell to the ground crying and bawling my eyes out. I killed someone. I killed someone who had family. I killed someone who had a beating heart...

~End of Dream~

My eyes shot open and I took in my surroundings. I was in a hotel bed with a sleeping blonde next to me. I took a few deep breaths and told myself that it was just a dream.

I snuggled closer to Ross and touched his lip which looked slightly swollen. It was only 3am so I tried to go back to sleep.


Half of the day later we were standing in line at the fair. "Are you scared?" Ross asked as I gripped onto his hand. "What? Nooo!" I lied in a high pitched voice. He chuckled, "sure."

Soon we took our seats in the rollercoaster and Ross quickly snapped a picture of our new shoes. Our feet were dangling and I got more scared and excited by the minute. The rollercoaster started rolling slowly at first and I gripped onto Ross' hand.

"You'll be okay, don't worry," he assured me and I just nodded. I screamed as the rollercoaster drove faster and did some looping. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

After that Ross bought us candy floss and we sat down on the grass close by. Ross snapped another picture and posted them on Twitter. Thousands of people were asking who I was and they were like 'maybe Laura!' Or 'it's Maia!'.

One even said that it was me because of the pictures Rydel posted once or the group pic Riker posted on R5's account a long while ago. Ross looked around and stopped as he spied a group of girls.

"Seriously?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. Ross head snapped towards me and he smiled, "jealous?" "What? Me? No!" I lied which made both of us laugh. "I love you and only you," Ross assured me which made my heart melt. "And I love you," I replied with a grin.

He leaned down and kissed me gently. What would I do without him?

A few days later

The last few days were amazing! We went to sea world, spend a day in the park, went hiking, went skating and went to the cinema. Today Ross said that he'll surprise me.

"When will we arrive?" I asked whining. "Wait," was all he said. I sighed and played on my phone. "Aaand...we're here!"

I looked up and saw that we were at...the airport? "What are we doing here?" I asked slightly confused. "Just come with me," he instructed and I did as told. We went inside and Ross talked to some guy before we got leaded outside.

When we arrived outside a small plane was waiting for us. "Come on," Ross said with a huge smile as he opened the door for me. I climbed in and Ross ran around the plane before he got in next to me. "Here, put these on so we can communicate," Ross said and gave me headphones.

I put them in and he grabbed the seatbelt between my legs and fastened it. After that he pushed some buttons and whatnot until the little plane was rolling on the path. It rolled faster and faster until we were in the air. "This is amazing," I whispered mostly to myself but Ross could still hear.

"It is, isn't it?"

The view was breathtaking and I wish we would never go down again but sadly that is what we needed to do after two hours of flying. "We'll go home tomorrow," Ross told me and I nodded in agreement. We discussed this already yesterday and decided to go home tomorrow.

Ross helped me out of the plane and I gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you," I said happily. "You don't need to thank me," he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "It's polite though," I fired back which made both of us chuckle. "Come on," he said and we walked to the exit side by side.

Our hands brushed against one another every once in a while until he slowly grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I smiled down at our hands and we kept walking to the car. He opened the door for me and I thanked him before I got in.

He drove of to the last hotel we would stay in on our Road Trip. There was a huge traffic on our way. Ross stopped in the middle of road where the roads were crossing. It was already late and my eyes widened as I looked out if the window to my right.

"Ross!" I yelled in panic as I gripped onto his hand...


You probably know what will happen haha
I didn't plan on letting that happen though ;) 🤗🤓

Btw I have a bad injury on my food so I may have to have surgery YAAAAAAY 🙄🙄🙄🙄😒☹️😫🤕

Anyways I just love emojis WHO'S WITH ME? 🍾😱🤐🤔😂🤑🤗🔥🤓🤕🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄❤️🙃🙂😅😏😈👍🏼💁🏼🙆🏼🙋🏼👑🎃☄🌤🌬🌟⛸🏆🛩✈️🛫🛬🌇🌃🏙🌆🗽🏖🏝🏖💻⌨📱📸🎙💎🕳🎉🎉🎉🎉💕

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