t h i r t y - o n e // Police Officer

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Zara's POV.

"No, means no, Rydel!" Ross said sternly. "Okay okay," Rydel gave in and held her hands up in surrender. "I'm not gonna tell anyone and maybe you're right, it's better not to tell. We don't need any fights because Jay is protective but Riker is even more even though he isn't your brother but he loves you like he is," she said with a smile.

"Thanks Rydel," I said and hugged her tightly. "Wanna jump again?" Ross asked me curious. "Nah, I'm gonna stay here with Rydel." He nodded, kissed my cheek and ran off.

"Aww so cute," Rydel squealed with a grin. "He's really cute," I agreed with a nod.

"Do you think..." I paused for a while. "Do you think that we will last for...you know a long time? I mean I've never been so unsure about love but I really do love him and I'm scared that we won't last that long because of our age difference," I stammered as I stared at the boys.

"The age difference doesn't matter. A lot of people are married with age difference. My aunt and uncle have a seven years difference and three kids. My grandpa & grandma are also six years apart. When you two are older, the age won't be a problem. It's totally normal," she explained to me.

"But Rydel, Ross & I broke up once. He cheated."

"What!?" She exclaimed shocked.

I told her what happened and she listened carefully. "Okay, he was an asshole but he loves you," she said and we both just laughed. I took Ryland's water camera and Rydel took her phone with a waterproof phonecase.

We took more pictures of the boys and also took some selfies.

Sometimes later the boys were tired of climbing on that cliff so we just chilled in the sand. A nice breeze flew through the air and I couldn't be happier right now. I have the most important people in my life, right here.

"We should go home," Riker suggested and we all agreed. "Can I drive, please," I begged with puppy eyes. "Fine," Ross gave in and sat down behind me.

"Zara! You're not allowed to!" I heard Riker yelling. "But Jay is driving as well!" I yelled back and speeded off to were we borrowed the jet skis. Ross laughed from behind me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"You're awesome babe," Ross whispered as he kissed my cheek. "I know, you're awesome too," I said and drove faster then ever. I looked behind to see everyone else far away. I giggled to myself and stopped the jet ski.

We got off, pulled our vests off and laid on the sand. All of sudden Ross rolled on top of me and kissed me. I pulled away quickly, "Ross, they could see."

"But...it's so fun to kiss you," he whined childish as he rolled off of me. "Aww, you're so cute," I said as I pinched his cheek. He smiled and blushed a little until everyone else arrived as well.

We all got in the car and drove home.


"I booked our tickets for tomorrow at 5am," Riker informed us as we sat in the dining room. I let my fork fall down in shock. "Are you kidding me?"

"The next flight would've been at 5pm and I thought that earlier is better," he said with a shrug. I wasn't the only one who didn't wanted to wake up at around 3am and catch the plane.

It was already around 6pm as we heard the door bell rang. Ryland went to open the door and came back with a horrified look. "Uhm, the police is here," he said and we all got up immediately to go to the door.

"Riker Lynch and siblings right?" The officer asked. Riker nodded and waited for him to continue. "Is a person called...Zara Sabrina Walker in this house?" The officer asked curious. "That's me," I said from behind Riker.

"We're sorry but you need to pack your things because you're going to live with your mother Kyra Ann Walker."

"No! Why?" I asked furious as Inraised my voice. "Because she's your mother and one of your guardians along with your father Steven Walker," the other police officer said. "No, Steven Walker isn't my biological father."

"That doesn't matter because in that case, your guardians are Mrs. And Mr. Walker."

"Now, please go and take all the belongings you want to take with you," they said annoyed. I ran off to my room and collapsed on my bed, crying.

The door opened and several footsteps came into my room.

I got up and saw them all with tears in their eyes. Rydel was crying and I went to take my luggage. I took all my things from my wardrobe and stuffed them into my luggage.

"We're gonna miss you and we're gonna fight for you," Riker said as he opened his arms for me. I went in for a hug and cried into his chest as several hands rubbed my back for comfort.

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