t w o // Ticklish

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Zara's POV.

After I was done unpacking, I walked down the stairs and sat down next to Rydel & Rocky on the couch.

"DIE!" Ryland yelled when he killed Rocky. "Ryland!" Rocky whined when he dropped the controller.

I giggled and Rocky glared at me playfully. "So Zara, how old are you and are you ticklish?" Rocky asked with an evil smirk.

"I'm 14," I said when I stood up and backed away from him. He stood up as well. "So are you ticklish?" He asked again when he came closer.

"No," I lied when he took off running out of the house, into their yard. I turned around to see Rocky following me. Suddenly, I tripped and fell.

Rocky bend down and started tickilimg me which made me scream and laugh. "Stooop!" I yelled laughing. "Who's the best?" He asked when he continues tickling me.

"I am!" I yelled which made him tickle harder. Tears streamed down my cheeks because I was laughing so hard. "Fine! Rydel is!" I yelled when I saw everyone staring at us also laughing.

"Aww thank you!" She said with a smile. "No! Say Rocky is the best," he demanded chuckling. "Yea! No, Dad told me not to lie!" I yelled between sobs and laughs.

Suddenly Rocky was on the floor and got tickled by Rydel. I thanked her laughing and helped her tickling him. "Guys!" Rocky yelled laughing.

Soon we where all on the floor and tickled each other which ended with Rocky & Ross falling into the pool.

They got out and Rocky whispered something to Ross who just nodded with a grin. They walked towards me and hugged me before I could ran away.

"Ugh guys," I groaned which made them laugh. "Now I need to walk up the stairs," I added which made them laugh harder.

Suddenly Ross picked me up and started carrying me to my room. "Thanks," I said laughing when he put me down. "Anytime," he said chuckling when he left.

I dressed myself into my Pyjama since it was late. I heard a knock at the door and I opened it to see Ross again.

"I'm here to bring you downstairs, Miss Zara," he said and I laughed when I jumped onto his back. He walked down the stairs and sat me down on the chair, where Rydel started putting plates on the table.

Everyone sat down and Rydel put the food on our plates. Ross sat on my right and Riker on my left.

Awesome first day...I love it here. Forget what I said earlier.


The Chapters will get longer. I promise

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