f o u r // I can't tell you

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Zara's POV.

"What happened earlier?" Stormie asked me when I helped her making dinner. "Rydel told me you started crying," she added.

"I saw Mom," I told her when I cut a paprika. "Oh honey, did she saw you too?" Stormie asked me. "No, but she wasn't alone," I said sadly.

"Who was with her?" Stormie asked interested. "I-I c-can't say," I stuttered when tears rolled down my cheeks. I dropped the paprika and ran to my room.


Stormie's POV.

"I-I c-can't say," Zara stuttered with tears rolling down her cheeks. I wanted to say something but she dropped the paprika and ran off, probably to her room.

Maybe I should ask Rydel if she could talk to her.

"Rydel!" I yelled as I washed my hands. She came immediately and asked, "yea?"

"Could you please talk to Zara. I asked her what happened and she said she saw her Mom but she wasn't alone and when I asked who was with her, she wouldn't answer and ran off to her room," I explained to Rydel.

"I'll talk to her," Rydel said with a nod.

"Thanks, and don't tell the boys," I added and she nodded again when she walked off to Zara's room.


Zara's POV.

I heard a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Rydel's voice asked. I sighed, "yea."

The door opened and Rydel walked in and closed the door behind her. "Are you okay?" She asked me, obviously knowing that I'm not.

"I'm fine," I lied when I pulled the blanket over my head.

"I know you're lying. Mom told me you saw your Mom?" She asked me, already knowing the answer. "Yea," I mumbled.

"And you also said someone was with her?" She asked when she sat on my bed and laid her hand on my leg.

"I can't tell you," I said when I removed the blanket from my head. "Why not?" She asked curious. "Because I just can't," I said with a sigh.

"Fine, then don't. It's okay but I'm always here when you need to talk to someone," she said with a smile. I nodded and thanked her before she left.

I removed the blanket fully and stood up. I went down the stairs and sat on the couch where everyone was, watching a movie.

I sat next to Rocky & Ryland and pulled my legs to my chest and rested my head on them.
"I'm going to help to figure the tour dates out," Riker said when he stood up. "yea, I'm coming too," Ratliff said along with Rydel.

I hope they will get together someday, it would be cute.

The three of them left when Stormie came into the living room. "I'm going to the store because we ran out of milk," she said and we just nodded in respond.

She left and Rocky, Ryland & Ross all turned around to face me.

"What happened earlier?" They asked excitedly.

I just stared at them. After a while they shrugged and looked at the TV again. Well, that was easy.

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked excitedly after minutes of silence.

"Hmm," they all said in unison. They all had no idea and just shrugged.

I pulled out my phone and listened to some music.

I tapped my foot to the beat as well as my hands. I just can't sit still when I'm listening to music.

A few minutes later Stormie came back and I helped her finishing dinner. After that I sat back on the couch while Stormie started reading a book.


"Guys, you won't believe us!" Ratliff yelled when he, Riker & Rydel arrived back home. "What? What happened?" Ryland asked curious.

"We went to figure out tour dates and we did. We asked where Dad is and they told us that he wasn't at work all day," Riker explained to us.

Rydel was either sad or mad. Maybe both.

I looked around nervously.

"Did I heard that right? He wasn't at work?" Stormie asked when she entered the living room. "Yea, they didn't knew where he was," Rydel said blankly.

"I know where he was."

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