t w e n t y - t h r e e // Five Years

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Jay's POV.

We tackled my sister after we threw her in the pool. We all laughed until she started gasping for air. "g-guys..." She said before we stopped.

She curled into a ball and gasped for air. She was pale almost like a vampire. Tears rolled down her cheeks. I grabbed her hand and tears brimmed in my eyes. It hurts a lot to see her like that.

"Mouth-to-mouth! Riker! Do it!" Ross yelled at Riker. Ryland ran off and came back with a towel. He put it under Zara's head when Riker pushed her head down, gently.

I could feel her squeeze my hand when Riker opened her mouth and leaned down to blow into her lungs. He did and she squeezed her eyes shut. It probably isn't a good feeling if you're not unconscious.

A few minutes later she was still laying on the ground with her eyes closed while she tried to control her breath. "you okay now?" Riker asked her.

"Yea...I-I'm good," she said when she got up slowly. "we're so sorry," Rocky apologized which made all of us agree with a nod. "it's okay, I'm going to lay down for a while," she said and went inside quickly.

We all went inside as well and didn't talked for a few moments until Rydel came down. "where's Zara?" She asked curious. "Resting," Ratliff answered her.

"Okay, why?" She asked more curious. "she had a attack again after..." I started but couldn't say it. It was all our fault. "after what?!" Rydel yelled at us.

"After we threw her in the pool and tackled her," Ryland told her guiltily. "what?! Guys! Seriously!?" She yelled furious before she stormed off towards Zara's room.

Zara's POV.

I laid in my bed, exhausted. I'm a little mad at the boys but they couldn't know that I would have an attack. It was horrible. Not be able to breath and then someone who breaths into my lungs is just terrible.

I don't want to experience that ever again. I cuddled with my stuffed animal when I heard a light knock. Probably Rydel. "Come in," I said before the door opened and Rydel came in with a worried expression on her face.

"God, you okay?" She asked when she sat down on my bed. "I'm good," I answered simply. "The boys are idiots!" She said angry. "it's fine Rydel, really. They didn't know I would have an attack."

"That's not a good excuse." "I'm gonna take a nap," I said, rolled to the side and closed my eyes in process. She kissed my head and left the room before I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and got up. I fixed my hair and dress before I made my way up the stairs. They were all in the living room watching TV.

I sat down next to Riker & Rocky and pulled my legs to my chest. "so, what are we going to do on Riker's & my birthday?" Rocky asked curious. "we could throw a party," Riker suggested.

"Sure, so you can get drunk and be asses all night," I mumbled in my knees. "what did you say?" Riker asked me confused. "nothing," I said and shook my head.

"What about just a party with us and I guess Mom will come so maybe a BBQ?" Rydel suggested with a shrug. "Uh! I have an awesome idea for my birthday!" Rocky said proudly.

"We could go play laser tag!" He almost yelled for excitement. "Wow I thought you would turn 21 not 12. BUT I LOVE THE IDEA!" I yelled and high fived him which made everyone laugh.

"And Riker what about you?" Rydel asked him. "Pool Party!" He said with a grin. "who do you want to invite?" Ross asked curious. "no one, we're good," he said with a shrug and a smile.

We continued watching whatever was on TV until it was dark. Rydel, Jay, Ryland & Riker fell asleep on the couch so Rocky, Ratliff, Ross & I were left. "Guys, I'm going to bed," Ratliff said and we said good night before he lifted Rydel up and carried her upstairs.

"Night guys," Rocky said as well and left, when I stood up to go to bed as well. "Night Ross," I said with a smile when I walked down the stairs to my room.

I could hear footsteps behind me and before I knew it I was pressed against the wall in the hall. "what will happen when Ryland comes, huh?" I asked with a smile.

Ross chuckled, grabbed my hand and lead me into my room. This time he pressed me against my door. "you seem to like to press me against walls and doors," I said when I raised my eyebrow.

"We still need to find out what you feel for me, right?" Ross said when he grabbed my thighs and pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist when we were in the same position as earlier.

"Yea, but do you think that's right?" I asked a little unsure. "how many years are your parents apart?" Ross asked when he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Five years," I answered him.

"Right, and how many years are Mom & Mark apart?" He asked. "Five or six?" I responded to him. "how many years are we apart?" He asked this time. "Five," I answered.

"Then where's the problem?"


Good point Ross...good point

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