f i f t y - s e v e n // Unique one Walker

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Leroy Sanchez - Hello by Adele (Cover) he's just AMAZING! 😍🙂🦄

Zara's POV.

"Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lawrence, Bella Thorne."

"Marry Jen because she's just perfection. F*ck Nicki since she's got a big booty and kill Bella with the funniest laugh I've ever heard." I laughed along with Bryan as he said that. Her laugh is seriously one to remember. Not that I have it as my ring tone ;) haha

"Harry Styles, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson."

"Oh my god are you trying to kill me?" I asked Bryan in total shock. Those three are my total babes! "Shit! I don't know what to do," I groaned and hit Bryan playfully.

"Marry Harry. Omg I can't do this. I'm so sorry. Kiss Liam. And Kill Josh but I will kill Harry and Liam after that too and then I would kill myself so we could live happily ever after," I grinned at my solution and the boys bursted out laughing.

"You're a unique one Walker," Bryan chuckled as we all laughed again.

"Food is done!" we heard Riker's voice from upstairs. "Finally!" I said and ran off with everyone close behind me. "I'm glad she's happy," I heard my brother saying from behind me. "Maybe she processed everything already?" Another voice said and I'm guessing that it's Bryan's.

"Doesn't matter. As long as she's her old self again. I definitely missed her a lot," this time Rocky said. I arrived in the dining room and grinned as I saw spaghetti on the table. I sat down and smiled at Bryan who sat next to me on my left. Ryland sat next to Bryan on the side of the huge table since we're a person more. Then Jay on my right along with Rocky next to him. Riker in front of Bryan then Rydel in front of Jay and Ratliff in front of Rocky, leaving a seat empty in front of me. This can't be good.

We heard slow footsteps coming closer to the dining room until Ross walked in and an angry expression immediately replaced my happily smile. "Great. Sitting in front of her and sitting next to Miss I love ruining your life," Ross muttered and slammed his plate down.

"What did Rydel do to you?" Riker asked his younger brother. "Nothing, she just told her everything and took her to the beach so she could remember something. Now she things I'm a creep and a pedophile."

My jaw dropped at his statement.

"Stop talking like that Ross. Zara had to remember eventually and she thinks of you as an asshole because you pushed her and didn't stopped until she had to freak out because of you!" Rydel defended herself.

"Yea sure! As if I'm the bad one now!" Ross snorted and spilled his drink on accident. It splashed everywhere but mostly...on me. I let out a sigh, stood up and pushed the chair aside angrily.

They talk about me like I'm not even there! I was happy a minute ago why does everyone have to ruin every good thing in me?!

I walked to my room as tears made its way down my cheeks. I grabbed my red christmas onesie since it's the 29th November. I'm going to be 20 soon and I still behave like a child. Well, can you blame me?

Ross will be 25 and he freaking behaves like a five year old. He's worse then me!

I went to take a shower and relaxed as the warm water collided with my body. After twenty minutes I got out of the shower and dried myself. I then changed into my christmas onesie and blow dried my hair.

I went to my room and connected my phone with the boxes. Riker gave me the phone like a week ago since I didn't had one. I let the music take over my mind as I hummed along to the songs.

After awhile I heard a knock on the door. I turned the music down and opened the door to see Bryan. "Hey kitten," he said with a smile and walked into my room. I closed the door and sat on the bed after I turn the music up a little.

"Kitten?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Really?" I added with a chuckle. "Why not? It's cute," he shrugged and I nodded my head. He stood up from my bed and held his hand out for me. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"Can I have this dance?"

I smiled and took his hand before he pulled me up. 'Live is worth the living' by Justin Bieber came up and I placed my arms around his neck whilst he had his around my waist.

Ended up on a crossroad
Try to figure out which way to go
It's like you're stuck on a treadmill
Running in the same place
You got your hazard lights on now
Hoping that somebody would slow down

Praying for a miracle
Who'll show you grace?
Had a couple dollars and a quarter tank of gas

With a long journey ahead
Seen a truck pull over
God sent an angel to help you out
He gave you direction
Showed you how to read a map
With a long journey ahead
Said it ain't over
Oh, even in the midst of doubt

We swayed to the music and I couldn't help the smile on my face.

Life is worth living
Life is worth living, so live another day
The meaning of forgiveness
People make mistakes, doesn't mean you have to give in
Life is worth living again

After the song stopped we let go of each other and danced like we were crazy. "Zara!" Someone yelled from outside of my room. I opened the door and faced Jay. "What?" I asked curiously. "Bed time," was all he said before he kissed my head and left.

I turned the music down and told Bryan to get ready whilst I would get ready too. I changed into my pyjama and brushed my teeth before I laid down in my bed. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep almost immediately if someone wouldn't have interrupted my sleep.

I didn't opened my eyes but someone laid down next to me and placed his hand around my waist. It was Bryan probably because everyone else is asleep and I offered Bryan to sleep in my bed. He's my best friend, definitely NOT more then that.


Five Chapters until the end :(

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