t w e n t y - f o u r // you'll get tired of me

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Zara's POV.

"It's illegal?" I said more like a question then a statement. "nobody will find out until you're 18," he said with a smile and a shrug.

"You think we will be together for that long?" I asked kinda shocked that he really believes in it. "I do, now would you please just-" he started but I cut him off my pressing my lips on his.

He kissed back with more passion then I expected. Maybe I'm just scared...he's 19, good looking, famous, and probably he gets tired of me because what if he wants to have sex? I don't want to lose my virginity at this young age.

I pulled away and looked at him. "you will get tired of me," I said to him. "why would I?" He asked kinda shocked. "Ross, listen, you're 19 and what if you want more from me then I can give you?" I asked with tears brimming in my eyes.

"I won't leave you because of sex," he said convinced by himself. "You kinda did last time," I mumbled but he didn't respond to that.

"you can't be so sure. When I'm like 16 and you're 21 do you really think that you could wait until I'm ready?" I asked him seriously. "I will wait as long as I need to," he whispered before he pressed his soft lips on mine for good five seconds.

"Mind sleeping here tonight?" I asked since my teddy from Ratliff wasn't as fluffy as I though it would be. "sure, just let me lock my room," he said and went to lock his room.

I told him to wait outside while I would change. After that we brushed our teeth together and went in my room. He locked the door as well so they wouldn't see us.

I crawled under the sheets and Ross laid next to me. "I'm a cuddly person," I confessed as I rested my head on his chest. "yea, me too," he said with a chuckle when he pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist.



"Do you want to be my girlfriend?...again"

"I'd love too."

I closed my eyes as I felt his lips on my head. I smiled to myself and fell asleep really quick.


Rocky's Birthday

"Happy Birthday!" We all yelled as we stood in front of Rocky's bed. He jumped up with a horrified expression which made all of us laugh.

"Thanks," Rocky said and got up. "Let's get ready to go play laser tag!" I yelled excitedly as I ran to my room. I heard a few laughs before I looked through my clothes. What can I wear?

Suddenly I felt hands on my waist which made me jump out of fear. "Oh my god! Don't scare me like that," I whispered/yelled at Ross who was trying to hold back his laugher. "Sorry, princess."

"What should I wear?" I asked as I turned around in his arms so I could looked through my clothes again. His hands went from my hips to black, ripped skinny jeans and a white shirt with black hearts on it.

"Thanks," I said as I kissed his cheek and grabbed my undergarments. He smiled and I left to the bathroom. Usually I use the pink side and the boys the right side.

I pulled my PJ off and put my clothes on. I brushed my hair and my teeth before I applied some concealer and mascara. As I wanted to exit the bathroom Ross was waiting in front of it with my black converse.

I giggled and slipped them on.

"Now, can you help me what to wear?" He asked and I nodded as I let out a laugh. I went to his wardrobe and looked through his clothes. I threw a white v-neck shirt at him and blue, ripped skinny jeans.

I only gave him a white v-neck shirt because I could see his abs through it. He was in boxers and a shirt so he put the jeans on and pulled off his shirt. I couldn't help it. I stared at him as he grabbed his shirt and threw it on.

He ran his hands through his hair but it still looked like a mess. He noticed that I was staring at him which made him chuckle.

"Can you do my hair?" He asked me with a smirk. I stood on his bed so I could reach his hair and ran my hands through it a couple of times until his hair was on point.

"Thanks you, beautiful," he said as he turned around and pressed his lips quickly on mine before we ran up the stairs to meet up with everyone else.

"Here," Rydel said as she handed each one of us plates with pancakes. We all sat down and started eating. "Can we go now?!" Rocky & I asked whining in unison which made both of us laughing histerical.

I looked at everyone who were just staring at us. Rocky & I high fived and waited for everyone to finish their breakfast.



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