t h i r t e e n // getting away from stuff

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Zara's POV.

After good two hours of overthinking my life I decided to leave. This place helped me to realize that things happen for a reason. I've never saw it that way.

"Watch out!" Someone yelled and before I knew it I was on the floor, my head pounding like mad.

"God, I'm so sorry," someone apologized but my version was blurry so I couldn't figure out who was standing next to me.

A few seconds passed and my vision got clear again. A damn hot guy was standing there with his blonde hair all over the place.

"I...uhm...it's okay," I said when he stretched his hand out for me to take. He helped me up and smiled at me.

"I'm Jay," he said witha grin. "Zara," I replied when he shook my hand. "JAY! What's taking you so long?" Another hot guy yelled, followed boy two more hot guys.

Wow, I guess I like it here.

"Guys, this is Zara. Zara these are Dylan, Alessandro & Jake," Jay introduced. "Hey there hot chick," Dylan said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, already knowing that I need to get out of here.

"Dude, not cool," Jake said when he hit Dylan which made me giggle. "So what are you doing here all alone?" Alessandro asked me curious.

"Getting away from stuff," I responded with a shrug. "Wanna hang out?" Jay asked me while the other boys were nodding their heads.

"Yeaaa, sure," I answered with a nod and a shrug. They cheered and we played some football. After that we went eating ice cream even when it was freezing outside.

By the way Jake gave me his jacket since I froze my butt off.

The boys were really cute and awesome friends.

"I should head home," I said to them after we talked for ages. I didn't even dared to mention Ross and everyone else. They don't know about my past or my family which is good.

They all saluted me with a hug and I walked off to my home. It was already 6pm.

I arrived and opened the front door. "There you are," Stormie said when she came out of the kitchen. "Yea, sorry I'm late," I apologized scared of her reaktion.

"It's fine," she said and sat down on the couch. "You're not mad?" I asked surprised. "No, why should I. You told me where you were going so I'm not mad," she replied with a smile.

"Even though I want to know who's jacket that is," she added which made me laugh. I sat next to her and told about the boys.

"Ross called twice today. I told him that you were out but he really wants to talk to you," Stormie said which made both of us sigh.

"I can't," I said on the verge of breaking down and crying. It's just that memories floated back in my mind from my past...before I met the Lynch's...

"You don't have to," she said and hugged me.

"Ross isn't my only problem," I said sobbing, running towards my room and leaving Stormie speechless.

I looked at my phone and of course Ross texted me billions of times.

Ross: don't you love me anymore?

Was the last text he send me a few minutes ago.

Zara: it's over. I'm sorry

I started crying more and more.

Maybe I should open up to someone about my secret, well, my parents secret.

Before Mom left we had a fight where she told me that I was the result of a one night stand and that Dad isn't my dad. She said 'There are about ten diffrent guys that could be your father'.

When Ross was with that girl, it all came floading back. He wanted to have sex with her and make her pregnant. My father could be an complete asshole.

I need to find my biological dad.


A few days later Stormie told me that R5 is going to perform here soon and also that they will stay here for a few days.

The only thing I'm focusing on is the party. Yea, a huge party is thrown and it's just like prom but without being in high school.

It's for everyone but mostly teens and young adults. Rydel and the boys are coming too but let's just say, I'm excited to see Rydel again.

"Zara! The boys are here!" Stormie yelled from downstairs. Yea, I'm hanging out with Jay, Alessandro, Jake & Dylan every single day. They're awesome best friends!

I ran down the stairs and hugged the four of them before we left to the park.

"I finally asked Emma to go with me to the party," Alessandro said trying to be all cool. "YAY! Did she said yes? Of course she did, look at you," I said which made them laugh.

"Yea, she said yes," he said and high fived us. "Zara? Wanna go with me on the party as friends?" Jay asked since the other boys already had dates and Jay & I didn't.

"Sure!" I said with a nod.

"By the way, I need to go shopping!" I squealed excitedly.

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