t w e n t y - f i v e // Laser Tag

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Zara's POV.

"In the red team are Zara, Rocky, Ross & Ryland and in the blue team are Jay, Rydel, Ratliff & Riker." "You're going down!" Rocky, Ryland & I yelled at the blue team. Ross laughed and nodded.

"Let the games begin," Rocky said in a dark voice.

We all spread out and I held my gun tightly in my hands. Rocky, Ross & Ryland were right behind me. "Guys, we need to split. Rocky & Ryland go the right way. Ross & I we're going the left way," I explained my plan to them.

"Then we meet on the other half again," I added and they nodded in agreement. Rocky & Ryland left as I felt a hand grabbing mine. "Ross you need to shoot with the right hand," I told him seriously.

He shrugged and leaned closer. I turned my head so his lips landed on my cheek. "Hey!" He exclaimed as I looked at his pouty face.

I hold back my laugh and saw Rydel crawling on the ground. I started laughing and shot at her. "Team Blue Player two is out!" A computer voice said over an inter com.

Rydel glared at me playfully and left. Suddenly I jumped on the floor, pulled Ross with me. "What was that for?" Ross asked curious. "Riker," was all I said. He nodded and we continued our way to the other side.

"Team Red Player four is out!"

"Ryland seriously!" I yelled which was a bad idea. "Shit! Go that way we'll meet on the other side," I whispered to Ross when I started running as fast as I could.

I knew that Riker was following and probably Jay & Ratliff as well so I ran as fast as I could and also in another direction so Rocky & Ross wouldn't be in danger.

I hid somewhere and saw Riker, Jay & Ratliff running past me. I did a victory dance and ran to the other direction where I met Rocky & Ross. "You did it!" Rocky & Ross said as they high fived me.

"Team Blue Player three is out!"

"Uhm...did they seriously shot each other?" I asked laughing. "I'm sorry!" I heard Riker yelling as Ratliff left. I started laughing and ran towards where I heard Riker's voice.

I saw him and he had his back towards me. I lifted my gun and wanted to shot as I heard a voice from behind me. "Don't you dare twin sister," I heard Jay saying.

Riker turned around as well and pointed the gun at me. Shit! Where are Rocky & Ross when I need them. I shot Riker and jumped on the ground so Jay couldn't shoot me. I rolled to the side and jumped up before I ran towards Ross & Rocky.

"Team Blue Player four is out!"

"How did you do that?" Rocky asked amazed. I shrugged and he left to shoot Jay. Suddenly Jay came from behind Ross and shot him before he ran away again.

"Team Red Player three is out!"

Ross fell to the ground and pretended to die. I kneeled down to him and caressed his cheek. "Babe, I'm gonna win this for us," I said which made him chuckle. We stood up and he pressed me against the wall and kissed me.

His hands placed on my waist and my hands on his chest. "Holy shit!" We heard someone saying from behind. We pulled away with wide eyes and saw Rocky smirking.

"Please Rocky don't tell anyone," I begged when I shook his shoulders. "We'll talk about this later," Rocky said and both, Ross & I nodded as Ross left. Rocky & I both searched for Jay and since Jay was alone Rocky shot him and we won.

"Team Blue Player one is out!"

"Team Red Wins!"

"YES!" Rocky & I yelled when Ross & Ryland jumped at us and we cheered while the blue team pouted and rolled their eyes playfully.


We played two more games and team blue one once and team red twice so team blue had to do whatever we wanted for the whole day.

"Bring Mama some cookies!" I yelled like a snobby bitch which made Rocky, Ross & Ryland laugh. "We don't have cookies miss," Ratliff said politely. "But I want some!" I said sternly with a giggle.

"I'm on my way," Rydel said and left. She came back a few minutes later with lots of cookies. "Thank you," I said and ate them gratefully. In the evening we all gave Rocky our presents.

Stormie couldn't come but we said it was okay since we would come at the end of November so that Jay & I could celebrate our birthday with our dad.

We went to bed late at night and Ross & I do the same routine ever night. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes. Just when I was about to sleep we heard a soft knock.

I groaned and stood up while Ross hid in my clothes. I unlocked the door to see Rocky with his arms crossed over his chest. He came in and closed the door. "Ross, you can come out," Rocky said as I sat on my bed.

Ross came out of my clothes and sat next to me. "Guys, what the hell?" Rocky asked just as Ross placed his hand on my lower back.

"Rocky, please don't tell anyone," I begged nervously. "I won't but why didn't you tell me? I'm awesome," he said trying to be serious. We bursted out laughing as he sat on the stool on my table.

"So, since when is this going on?" Rocky asked curious.


Yea, Rocky is bae 🙌🏼💍💕

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