s e v e n t e e n // that's moi

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Zara's POV.

The door opened and a man with brown hair and the same eyes Jay & I have was standing in front of us with a confused look.

He looks like Jay and Jay looks just like me in a guy version which means he looks like me as a man. "Dad, I found someone," Jay said when he let all of us in.

"Is this your new girlfriend?" The men asked which made all of us laugh awkwardly. "look into her eyes," Jay said simply. The men did as told and gasped after he realized something.

"Zara," he whispered with tears in his eyes. "that's moi," I said which made him chuckle. Tears were already streaming down my face.

He opened his arms to hug me and I jumped into his arms sobbing. I heard 'aww's coming mostly from Rydel. "You need to tell us everything now Dad," Jay said when we pulled away from the hug.

"I will," our Dad said with a nod.

"It all happened like 15 years ago. I was at a party and there was your mother Kyra. We had a one night stand and about 9 months later I heard crying from outside. I opened the door and saw a little baby boy in a basket. There was a letter as well. It said stuff like 'this is Jay...your son and you also have a daughter called Zara. They're twins, obviously. I decided to keep her and you'll keep Jay. Don't even try to come in contact with me.' I was shocked but I couldn't give Jay up for adoption." he explained with tears in his eyes.

"By the way, I'm John."

I looked at Jay and he felt just as hurt as I was. "so you didn't liked Kyra at all, did you?" I asked when Jay wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry but she's a bitch. I only saw you once when you were at the doctor the same time Jay was but you guys were like three years old and to my luck Kyra didn't noticed that we were there," John explained to us.

After that I explained all the things from my mother, father, brother & also Mark and stuff like that. John felt really sorry and basically my whole life is a lie.

"But John, you need to know that I actually live in LA with these idiots over there," I said when I pointed to Rydel & the boys. We all laughed John looked a little hurt.

"You'll leave me again?" Jay asked trying to be strong. "basically this is my family. They love me and they took me in as their sister. I can't leave them," I explained to him.

"But no one can separate twins," Jay said and tried to make me stay. "Kyra already did like 15 years ago," I said to him and everyone just listened to our conversation.

"All the time in my life I knew something was missing and now I know what it was! You can't leave me like that," he said.

"I'm sorry," was all I said. "I hate you! Why did I even met you! I wish I didn't," Jay said and ran upstairs, probably to his room. These words hurt more then I ever imagined it.

I started crying immediately and Rydel pulled me into a hug. More arms got wrapped around me which were all of the boys. "you can stay here if you want to," Riker said but I seriously didn't wanted go stay here.

I want Jay to come with us.

"Maybe we should go now," Ratliff said and we all nodded. I cried so much that I didn't let go of one of the boys. I got lifted up and carried to the car.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Ross' arms. Why always Ross?

I was to weak to move anyways so why not? I cried myself to sleep while we were still on our way home. Please let us figure everything out!


Ross' POV.

We arrived home and I carried Zara to her room and laid her on her bed while everyone else explained everything to Mom, Granny & Grandpa. I need to help her.

I kissed her forehead and smiled down at her sleeping body. "I'm sorry but I'm gonna figure something out for you and Jay, I promise," I whispered to her before I left.

"I'm gonna catch some air," I said when I took the car keys. They all nodded and I left and drove back to Jay & John. I'm gonna convince John to let Jay come with us.

Good 5 minutes later I arrived and since it was late at night John let me in so we could talk inside.

"So, what do you want?" John asked me curious. "I want to take Jay with us," I said directly. "not gonna happen!" John almost yelled. "I know it's hard for you sir to let go of someone, I needed to experience that too maybe not for 15 years but for a few weeks. I didn't know if I would ever see that person again," I explained to John.

"Jay & Zara are gonna be miserable without each other," I added in a calm voice.

"That's why I want Zara to live with us."

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