f o r t y - e i g h t // Hey

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Four Years Later

Zara's POV. (What ?)

"Mom?" I asked as I entered the kitchen. "Hey honey, what do you need?" My mother asked sweetly. "A phone?" I said more like a question. "You're 19, I don't think you need a phone," she snapped and I groaned before I went back to my room.

Okay after I had an accident with my mom four years ago, I had some brain damage but I'm okay now. I don't remember much of my life except for the past four years. Mom told me that we always lived in Brooklyn and that my birthday is on December 1st.

I'm working at a music store at the mall and I'm not going to school because Mom won't let me. My life is pretty boring except for the part that...I'm allowed to leave the house.

"Zara! Get dressed and come down!" My Mom yelled again. Either she has a new lover or she brings me one. I quickly put on a casual, black skater dress, brushed my hair and walked down the stairs. "This is Chris," my Mom introduced me to a nice tanned, brown haired fucking good looking guy.

"Hey," I said and stretched my hand out for him to shake. He shook my hand and replied a 'hey'. "I'll be gone for a few hours so have fun," Mom said and left without another word. "Uhm, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked kinda feeling uncomfortable.

He nods and smiles sweetly. "You can sit down you know," I said laughing as he stood in the living room, leaning against the doorframe. He blushed and sat down on the couch. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" I asked curious even though I actually wasn't.

"No not really," he replied and I nodded at him. We sat next to each other and I started the movie. I really wanted to watch 'the fault in our stars' so I just put it in. I didn't really cared for his opinion.

The sad parts in the movie always made me cry. A tear rolled down my cheek and right after I felt a hand on my cheek. Chris was staring at me and wiped my tear. I smiled and blushed which made him smile as well. We continued to watch the movie and after that I ordered pizza for us.

"Tell me about you," I demanded nicely as we waited for the pizza. "Well, my name is Chris, I'm 22, I live in Brooklyn since I was ten, I'm working as a photographer three days a week but also at as a publisher the other three days. Monday's my free day. What about you?"

"I'm Zara, 19, live here since the day I remember which happened to be four tears ago. I had a car crash and I don't remember anything in my earlier life so yea. I'm working at a music store at the mall and other then that, my life is boring."

He chuckled and shook his head, "I don't believe you." "My life really is boring," I admit again with a serious tone. "Ever had a boyfriend?" He asked taking me fully of guard. I stumbled over my words, not knowing what to say. Maybe I did? Maybe I didn't? My Mom didn't told me anything about my life before the accident.

"As far as I can...remember. No, I hadn't," I admit kinda embarrassed as I focused my eyes on the front door, waiting for the delivery guy to arrive. "Don't be ashamed of that," I whispered as he creeped closer...closer then any other boy ever did. I snapped out of my trance and jumped up as I heard loud knocks on the door. Thank god.

Don't get me wrong. He's hot and really cute but something inside of me tells me to keep it on the down low and just take small steps.


"Bye," I said to Chris as we stood at the front door. "It was nice," he admit with a smile. He didn't tried anything after the moment before the pizza got delivered. "It was," I agreed and nodded. "We should do it again sometime," he added and quickly kissed my cheek before he went to his car.

I blushed and went back into the house, leaving the living room like a mess with the rest of the pizza and the carton. Tomorrow happens to be a work day so I better go to sleep early.

I laid down and closed my eyes. I prayed that someday I would remember something and I always try to dream about it, every day. My breathing slowed when I was half asleep, my heart was beating in its place and my mouth was dry as something flashed through my mind.



I just got out of the bus and went to the mall as the memories from yesterday floaded in my mind. Who the hell is Ross? and why was I screaming his name? Before I could think about anything which was related to my thoughts, I pushed the doors to the music store open to be greeted by my boss.

"Hello Miss Walker," the dark brown haired man in jeans and a black button up shirt, said with a smile. "Hello Mr. Grey," I replied and went in the little break room behinde the cashier to change into my work shirt with my name tag.

"how was your weekend?" Mr. Grey asked me as he strummed some guitars. "it was lovely, what about you sir?" I replied politely. "Don't call me sir, Zara. I'm only 49." He chuckled and I smiled at him. He was the best boss ever and pays enough for me to buy myself a phone soon.

"We have a new worker by the way, he'll come in a minute," he told me and disappeared behind the desk to but a price tag on the new guitars.


It was funny to see you all freaking out haha but what person would I be if I would've let the main character die? 😅🤗🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🙃

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