t h i r t y // Jet skiing & cliff jumping

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Zara's POV.

"Jay & Zara with who do you guys want to drive?" Ratliff asked curious. "I'm driving with Ryland," Jay said and high fived Ryland. "I'm driving with...Ross," I answered and I could see his little smile from the corner of my eye.

"Rydel? Do you want to drive with me?" Ratliff asked with a smile. She nodded and smiled as well. We arrived at the beach and got on the jet skis after we put the vests on. I sat behind Ross with my hands on my thighs.

He took both of my hands and wrapped them around him. I giggle and he asked, "you ready?" "I was born to be ready," I replied which made him chuckle. He drove off and laughed a lot.

"You know, earlier, I was just shocked. I never really told people that I love them because I don't want to get hurt. Like my Mom, she just left and I'm scared that things like that happen again."

"And I really don't like to express my feeling at all," I added a little quiter. "It's okay, I just thought that I said it to early and that you don't love me back," he said as I leaned my head on his back.

"I do love you back," I whispered in his ear. "By the way, you should drive faster," I added when I hold him tighter. He nodded and sped up.

"Can you let me drive?" I asked him, hoping that he would say yes. "Riker will kill me, but fine," he said and stopped. We both stood up and the lovely girlfriend I am, I pushed him into the water and started laughing hysterical.

I sat down and he just glared at me, playfully. "Why did you do that?" He asked when he streatched his arm out to let me help him. " because I looove you," I said laughing as I took his hand to help him up.

He pulled my in the water and laughed. "I should've known it," I said as I tried to get up the jet ski. "By the way, where is everyone else?" I asked curious. Ross looked around and we were the only ones on our jet ski.

He helped me up the jet ski and sat down behind me. I didn't even needed to tell him to wrap his arms around me. "Far over there are cliffs maybe they're there," he said as he pointed to some cliffs.

"So, how does this work?" I asked curious. I put my hands on the handlebar (Idk the right word) and he put his hands on mine. I smiled to myself and we drove off. It took us a few minutes to get to the cliffs because I just had to much fun driving a jet ski then you think.

We stopped and got off the jet ski to see everyone climbing on the cliffs. "Seriously?! Why did no one tell us?" I yelled as Ross & I climbed up as well. "You two were to distracted by each other!" Rydel yelled back with a giggle.

We rolled our eyes and stood on the cliff seconds later. They all jumped and I stood up there scared as heck. "Come on, I've done this before, this is fun," Ross said from behind me.

"I'm still scared," I confessed as I looked down where the others were laughing and talking. "Come on Zara! It's fun!" Jay yelled as he got out of the water to climb on the cliff again.

I let Ross jump and waited for Jay.

"Do you want me to jump with you?" Jay asked after Riker & Ryland jumped. "Yes, please," I replied with a nod. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "You know, I trust you and you're the only family member I have right now," I said as I looked at him.

"It'll be fun," he said as he squeezed my hand. "3...2...1!" He yelled and we both jumped off the cliff. I screamed until my body collided with the water.

I swam to the surface and Jay smiled at my widely. "Awesome right?" He asked as we got out of the water to climb on that cliff again. "Definitely!" I agreed happily.

"I'm gonna make some pictures so jump together and do cool stuff!" Rydel yelled from down there. The boys, except Jay, jumped all together and Jay & I held hands and stuff.

"Jump," Ross said with a nod. I did and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Is this really a good idea?" I asked unsure. "It is," he said and took of to the end of the cliff. He jumped and suddenly kissed me while we were in the air.

The boys didn't saw but Rydel did. We ran to her because her mouth was wide open and so were her eyes. I took the phone out of her hands and looked at the picture while Ross tried to convince her not to tell anyone.

Rocky knew already but he didn't cared at all so he wasn't a problem.

I send all the pictures into our group chat except the one where you could clearly see that two persons were kissing. I only send it to Ross & I and deleted it on Rydel's phone.

"But you guys are so cute!" She squealed happily. "You can't tell the others," I said sternly. "But why not, seriously, you guys are so cute and the age diffrence means n-o-t-h-i-n-g!" She argued with a huge smile.

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