e i g h t e e n // R-Ross did t-that?

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Ross' POV.

"That's why I want Zara to live with us," John said all of sudden which made my heart race. "We're Zara's family and she wants to live with us in LA you can't take her away from us," I argued when I raised my voice.

"I can do whatever I wan-"

"Dad!" Jay suddenly came with a mad expression. "go to bed, son," John said sternly. "No, Dad, I really want to live with Zara so please let me go with them," Jay said which made John tens up.

"You don't want to live with me anymore?" John asked hurt. "I do, but listen she's my twin and I can't stand to live without her anymore. I'll come visit, I promise," Jay said to his dad.

"When are you guys leaving?" John asked me with a sigh. "three days," I answered him. "you can go but I want to spend the next three days with you & Zara together," John said which made Jay nod eagerly.

They hugged and I high fived Jay and shook John's hand. "can Jay spend the night at ours? Because Zara is really hurt and someone needs to apologize," I said when I looked at Jay who looked really guilty.

"He can," John said with a nod.

Jay hugged his dad and went upstairs. "please take care of my baby's," John said when he shook my hand again. "we will," I reassured him with a nod.

John nodded as well and Jay came down the stairs with a bag. We said goodbye and drove home.

I unlocked the front door and Jay & I walked in earning some gasps. "what did you do? Why did you kidnapped him?!" Rydel asked yelling.

"I didn't, I convinced John that Jay can come to LA with us," I said being my 'proud of myself' self. Rydel squealed and hugged Jay. The boys high fived him and Mom came up to him.

"He looks really like her, why didn't I noticed that earlier? I mean, he was here everyday," Mom said in disbelief.

"What is the squealing and yelling about?" A sleepy voice asked, coming down the stairs. Zara appeared and squealed when she saw Jay and ran to hug him.

"I'm coming with you to Los Angles," Jay said to Zara which made her squeal louder. "Why is that all of sudden?" Zara asked Jay. "Well, Ross came and convinced our father that I could come," Jay explained with a grin.

"R-Ross did t-that?" Zara asked stuttering. "he sure did honey," Mom peeped in with a grin. Zara looked at me and I could see the happiness in her eyes.

She walked towards me and embraced me in a hug. "thank you so much," she whispered which made me smile widely. I didn't expected her to hug me to be honest.

She pulled away and Mom told us to go to bed since it was around 2 in the morning. We all got ready for bed and I fell into a peaceful sleep.


Three days later

Zara's POV.

We're on our way to the airport right now. This time everyone went with us so we drove with two cars.

John was driving with Grandpa in the passenger seat. Jay, Ryland, Rocky & myself were in the back. Rocky was laying on us and fell once which made us laugh harder then we should.

Stormie drove in the other car with Granny in the passenger seat. Ratliff was sitting on Rydel, next to Ross & Riker on the other side.

Half an hour later we arrived at the airport.

We all got in and now it was time to say goodbye. I hugged granny & grandpa first and John, well dad, after that. "Please be careful okay?" Dad whispered.

"I will, don't worry," I said. He nodded and kissed my head. "Stormie!" I whined when I hugged her. She chuckled and hugged back immediately. "I'm gonna miss you so much! Thanks for being there for me."

"I'm gonna miss you too, honey. See ya around," she said when I let go of her. I couldn't stop the tears. Jay wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we waved one last time.

"Aren't you sad to leave your dad?" I asked Jay when we all took a seat. "Maybe, a little," he answered with a shrug.

I nodded and looked at Rydellington who were making out. I giggled and made a picture of them. "Do the fans know?" I asked Rocky who took a picture as well.

"No," he answered simply. I sighed and send it to Rydel. She got the message and pulled her phone out. "Zara!" She exclaimed laughing.

Soon we were boarding and I took the window seat. Jay sat next to me and I told him more about my past. He also told me about his and also about what we like and we were basically the same.

It feels so good to be around Jay because he understands me before I even tell him about it.

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