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"What should I wear? No, I'll go with this one. Mom will like it too, and it'll hide the wound on my hand," I murmured to myself as I searched through the sarees in the cupboard. Finally, I settled on a light pink saree with a full sleeves blouse.

"Should I buy something for Mom? It's been so long since I last saw her. Maybe I should pick up something on my way out," I contemplated as I got ready, crossing the living room to leave the house.

"My lovely wife," I heard Devansh's voice behind me, sending shivers down my spine. "What is he doing here? He should be at the office by now," I thought to myself, feeling a wave of unease wash over me.

Turning around, I glanced at Devansh, who was seated on the sofa with his laptop on his thigh. He gestured for me to come closer, and trembling, I complied.

But before I could reach him, he shouted loudly, 'fast!' His voice pierced the air, sending a jolt of fear coursing through my veins. My heart raced, and I quickened my pace, finally standing before him with my head bowed, unable to meet his gaze.

As I stand there, I could feel Devansh's gaze on me, as if he was scrutinizing me from head to toe. When I dared to lift my eyes, they met his, and for a moment, I thought I saw something different in them – perhaps admiration.

But in the next instant, his eyes filled with hatred, and I immediately lowered my gaze, unable to meet his gaze any longer.

He abruptly set aside his laptop and rose to his feet. With a determined look in his eyes, he circled around me, scrutinizing me from head to toe. Finally, he positioned himself directly in front of me, towering over me. Gripping my chin firmly, he lifted it, forcing me to meet his intense gaze.

"Which lover are you getting all dolled up to go sleep with?" he demanded, his voice dripping with accusation.

His words struck me like a blow, rendering me speechless. My eyes widened in shock as his grip on my chin tightened, the pressure almost painful.

"I asked you something, answer me," he demanded, his grip on my chin tightening to the point where his nails almost pierced my skin.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I shook my head in disbelief. 'I-I'm just going to visit my mother,' I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion."

"Uniform!" Devansh's voice boomed with anger, making my heart skip a beat.

The maid rushed over and handed the uniform to Devansh, who snatched it from her grasp. In this household, all maids wears uniform– brown saree with their name badges, including me. But today, I had chosen to wear my own saree for my first meeting with my mother since our wedding.

"Everyone out!" Devansh's order sliced through the tense atmosphere, prompting the maids in the living room to scurry away in fear.

As Devansh finally released his grip on my chin, I couldn't help but flinch at the lingering pain. Brushing away my tears, I braced myself for his next move.

Suddenly, the uniform was hurled towards me with force, causing me to jump in surprise. Devansh's eyes blazed with fury as he stared at me, his anger palpable in the air.

His command cut through the air like a knife. "Strip!" His voice was filled with rage and dominance, leaving me frozen in shock and disbelief.

I was trembling all over, staring at Devansh as his anger intensified in his eyes. He took two steps towards me, his expression growing more menacing with each moment.

"Strip," he commanded, his voice cold and devoid of any emotion.

Tears had stopped flowing from my eyes. Every day felt like a new death sentence in this house. Without a word, my hand moved to my pallu, and I slowly removed it.

With deliberate movements, I untied my saree and let it fall to the ground, revealing the uniform lying beneath it. I picked up the uniform and began to put it on, my gaze fixed on Devansh the entire time.

As I undressed, his gaze bore into me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. His eyes, burning with a mix of hatred and disdain, seemed to pierce through me, stripping away any semblance of dignity and self-respect.

It was as if he was relishing every moment of my humiliation, reveling in his power over me.

I felt exposed and vulnerable, like a helpless prey trapped in the gaze of a predator. Despite the burning shame and indignity, I couldn't tear my eyes away from his piercing stare, feeling utterly powerless and defeated in his presence.

As I finished putting on the uniform, Devansh began to head towards the main door.

"No, this can't be happening. This can't be real," I protested internally, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. I desperately didn't want him to accompany me, but I couldn't find the words to voice my objections.

But just then, Devansh's sharp voice cut through my thoughts, breaking the silence. "Move," he shouted angrily.

Despite my silent protests, I reluctantly followed him out of the house and got into the car, taking the passenger seat. He settled into the back seat without a word, and as we drove away, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease and discomfort lingering in the air.

As my home came into view, my heart raced with the thought that if Devansh were to misbehave in front of my mother, she would uncover the truth about my marriage.

Quickly, I wiped my face with my pallu to hide any traces of tears. Just then, we arrived at my home. I hurriedly stepped out of the car, and Devansh followed suit.

He looked at me and sharply remarked, "Sharp 5 pm. If you're even a second late, you know what will happen next." I immediately lowered my gaze and replied, "Yes, sir."

Devansh swiftly got back into the car and drove off. As I made my way towards my home, despite all the turmoil, there was a glimmer of joy in my heart at the prospect of reuniting with my family.


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