| Tangled Webs |

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I tried my best to resist your requests, but here I am, giving in. Here's your update!

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I was sitting on my bed, wide awake, with no sign of sleep in sight.

I got up and moved towards the balcony, debating whether or not to open the door.

But then I remembered Devansh's words—if he said he would come, he would definitely come.

So, I decided against going to the balcony and turned back. To my shock, my eyes widened in surprise.

"Dev?" I gasped.

He was sitting calmly on the bed, smiling at me. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I stepped closer and reached out with a trembling hand.

It really was Devansh. I quickly tried to pull my hand back, but he grabbed it and placed it on his cheek. "Am I looking so handsome that you can't believe your eyes?" he teased.

I shook my head in amusement at his words, but then realization hit me.

I immediately pulled my hand away and asked sternly, "Why are you here? I told you not to come."

Devansh reached out and pulled me closer, locking his hands behind my back. Tilting his head up, he said softly, "I missed you."

Though his words warmed my heart, I didn't let him see that. I kept my face as cold as possible and said angrily, "Devansh!"

He sighed and murmured, "I came to bring you your shopping bags." Then he pulled me even closer, resting his cheek on my stomach and tightening his grip on my back.

I tried to maintain my stern demeanor, but his closeness and the warmth of his embrace made it difficult.

I took a deep breath and said, "You can't just show up whenever you want, Devansh. You need to respect my decision."

Devansh didn't say anything for a while; he just held me close, the silence between us heavy and charged.

Finally, he looked up and said, "From tomorrow, you won't see me." With that, he stood up and cupped my face gently. "I don't know how I'll manage without you, but if this is what you want, then fine."

He kissed my forehead softly, then turned towards the door. Before stepping out, he pointed to the bed where he had placed some shopping bags. "I brought some chocolates and ice cream for you. Make sure you eat them."

Before I could utter a word, he was already heading down the stairs. I quickly followed and saw my mother standing in the living room.

Devansh said goodbye to her without glancing back at me, and walked straight out of the house. His lack of acknowledgment stung, and I found myself staring at the floor, feeling hurt.

"Good night, Pari," my mother said softly.

"Good night, Maa," I murmured without lifting my eyes.

I headed back to my room, intending to go to bed, but something urged me to check the balcony.

There he was, leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette, and talking to Michael. The sight of him, still close yet distant, made my heart ache even more.

I couldn't help but stare at Devansh. He looked incredibly handsome, standing against the car with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a cigarette. His well-built body and confident stance made him look perfect.

Her Nightmare | 18+Where stories live. Discover now