| Unveiling Emotions |

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My heart raced, its rhythm akin to a runaway train, threatening to break free from the confines of my chest.

For so long, I had shielded my mother from the bitter truth of my disastrous marriage, bearing the weight of countless pains and sorrows alone. And now, Devansh had brazenly breached those protective barriers by summoning her to his opulent mansion.

But how could this be? Just earlier today, I had crossed paths with Sahil, and now, in a twist of fate, Devansh had brought my mother here. It seemed far too orchestrated to be mere chance.

Driven by a surge of urgency and a torrent of thoughts, I sprinted towards the mansion, my mind racing as I reached the imposing gates and hurried inside.

As I reached the door in a rush, the sight before me knocked the breath out of me.

There was my mother, seated elegantly on the sofa, with Devansh nestled at her feet, his head resting on her lap as she gently stroked his hair.

I blinked furiously, almost wanting to slap myself to ensure this wasn't some dream.

It was undeniably real; my jaw hung agape in astonishment.

"Di, you're here," Rahul's voice snapped me back to the present, or rather, to a bewildering reality.

"Huh?" I muttered absentmindedly as I stepped inside.

Devansh's gaze shifted towards me as Rahul's voice echoed in the room, his expression transforming into a warm smile.

Confusion swirled within me as I made my way to my mother's side.

Devansh rose to his feet, his eyes still fixed on me.

What was actually happening here? Each passing moment only fueled my mounting frustration.

"How's my dear daughter?" My mother's voice cut through the chaos, wrapping me in a sudden embrace that momentarily eased all my worries.

Seeing my mother after so long flooded my heart with joy, prompting me to reciprocate the hug, clinging to her tightly.

"M-Mom, you're here?" I stammered, my voice quivering with surprise.

Mom's hand gently caressed my cheeks, and I instinctively leaned into her touch, a flicker of a smile dancing on my lips as she bestowed a tender kiss upon my forehead.

My heart swelled with a sense of peace, experiencing her presence after such a long absence. Witnessing the joy etched on her face.

Drawing in a deep breath, I found solace in the notion that she remained blissfully unaware of everything.

With a firm grasp, Mom led me to the sofa, where we settled side by side.

"Jamaai ji, would you care to join us?" Mom's invitation extended to Devansh.

My eyes widened in disbelief, as if threatening to burst out of their sockets at any moment.

"Jamaai ji?" I was dumbfounded.

Mom addressed Devansh with such warmth and reverence, as though they were longtime acquaintances.

Mom had encountered Devansh before......

The realization hit me like a sledgehammer, and I struggled to regain my composure.

Devansh promptly took a seat beside me, while I shot him a glare filled with simmering anger.

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