| Proven Innocence |

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In the fading light of evening, I perched on the steps, silently observing the scene unfolding before me. Reshma, accompanied by another staff member, had gently settled Anshika in the garden. Despite my attempts to avert my gaze, my eyes were drawn back to her, each glance a reminder of the unspoken pain she carried.

In the past few days, my attempts to break the silence with Anshika were met with a wall of indifference. Lost in contemplation, a sudden movement near the gate jolted me back to reality. There stood Rahul, a towering figure amidst the gathering dusk.

Aware of my confinement within the courtyard, I turned to Reshma, silently pleading for intervention. With a resigned sigh, she yielded, her voice carrying the weight of reluctant concession. "Let him through," she uttered, a simple yet powerful gesture of empathy amidst the turmoil.

As the gate swung open, Rahul dashed towards me, his urgency palpable as he enveloped me in a tight hug. In that moment, the joy of seeing my brother after so long washed over me, filling me with warmth and happiness.

"What happened, Rahul? Why are you here?" I questioned, breaking the hug to peer at him with concern. "You know you're not supposed to be here," I added, gently reminding him of the rules.

"Di, I-I..." Rahul stuttered, his breaths coming in ragged gasps, his face flushed with exertion. Acting quickly, I reached for my pallu, wiping the sweat from his brow, and clasped his hand in mine, urging him to catch his breath.

"Di, it's about Ajit... He's in a critical state. He's been asking for you, pleading to meet you. I've tried calling Reshma ji countless times, but couldn't reach her. I had no option but to come here," Rahul's words rushed out in a single breath.

The news of Ajit's grave condition struck me like a bolt from the blue, flooding me with an overwhelming sense of helplessness. Despite my immediate urge to rush to his side, my feet seemed glued to the ground, refusing to budge.

Devansh will unleash his fury upon me, and he'll inflict harm on Rahul and Mom as well. And Ajit... Ajit won't be spared by Devansh either, the chilling truth pierced through my thoughts.

In my heart, there was an abundance of care and love reserved for Ajit. It was a love born from his unwavering loyalty, his steadfast presence when others faltered. Despite our enduring 15-year friendship, the looming shadow of Devansh's fear had seized control of my thoughts in recent months, rendering me powerless to move forward, despite my fervent yearning to do so.

"Di, what's happening? Let's go," Rahul demanded, his grip on my hand firm and insistent.

I snapped out of my thoughts, the intensity in his voice piercing through the haze of fear and uncertainty.

With determination, I gently withdrew my hand from Rahul's grasp, my voice tinged with urgency. "Rahul, you must leave. Get out of here quickly. I cannot join you now. I will find a way and meet you later. But for now, please, go before Devansh arrives," I urged, every word laced with a sense of urgency and determination.

"Di, I won't leave without you, you have to come..." Rahul's voice faltered, his plea carrying a mix of determination and desperation, as a trembling hand found its way to his shoulder.

Caught up in our conversation, I hadn't noticed anything amiss until then.

"R-Rahul," a quivering voice broke through the air, its tremor echoing with vulnerability and fear.

In an instant, Rahul turned, only to be met by Anshika's unexpected presence behind him. Her fragile appearance struck a chord deep within me, stirring a whirlwind of emotions – empathy, concern, and a profound sense of responsibility.

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