| Mukul's Piercing Truth |

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The journey home was eerily quiet, each moment a battle with my inner demons, stoking my fury to new heights. Yet, a glance at Pari brought an unexpected calmness to my restless mind. There she sat, slumped against the seat, already lost in sleep. Her presence alone acted as a soothing balm, momentarily quelling the fire of my anger.

Looking out of the car window, I grappled with the daunting task of seeking forgiveness from Pari for the many wrongs I had done. I knew that the road to redemption would be fraught with obstacles and pain, far surpassing the hurt I had caused her.

Nevertheless, I remained resolute, determined to face every challenge and endure every trial if it meant earning Pari's forgiveness and securing her unwavering support on this difficult journey of repentance.

As the car stopped, I got out and went to Pari's side. She was deeply asleep, oblivious to her surroundings. Knowing she wouldn't like being carried, I couldn't resist this rare chance. Carefully, I lifted her into my arms, cradling her gently as I carried her towards the house.

Mukul appeared just as I reached the door. Silently, I signaled to him, and he quietly opened it, fading into the night. Alone in her room, I laid Pari on her bed, ensuring she stayed undisturbed in her sleep.

Watching her peaceful form, a wave of protectiveness washed over me, highlighting the gravity of the moment.

Turning away, a part of me hesitated to leave. Despite taking a few steps forward, an unseen force pulled at me, urging me to stay. I found myself drawn to the bed where Pari lay, enveloped in the calmness of her sleep.

Pari appeared serene, like a calm oasis amidst turmoil. Her hands rested gently on her abdomen, rising and falling with each breath. Faint marks from my past actions marred her skin, a solemn reminder of the pain I had caused.

In that tender moment, I felt a rush of emotions. Regret mingled with longing, and the weight of remorse weighed heavily on me.

Despite the ache in my chest, I couldn't look away. I silently grappled with the impact of my actions on this vulnerable woman before me.

Raising my gaze, I paused just above Pari's lips. They had borne the imprint of my forceful kisses. Now, I felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her tenderly and show her the love in my heart.

With great effort, I resisted the impulse. Instead, I focused on the delicate curve of her nose, then traced my eyes to her closed eyelids...

Oh, Fuck

I nearly stumbled back from the bed in shock when I saw her glaring at me. I had expected her eyes to be closed in sleep, but they were wide open, blazing with anger.

As I recoiled, she fixed me with a fiery glare, her frustration clear in every word she spoke. "Humanity, empathy, love—those mean nothing to you, do they? But what I didn't expect was your utter lack of basic decency."

"Pari, I was—" I began, but she cut me off sharply, her tone commanding. "I won't say it again. It's Parinidhi Verma for you."

I sighed, acknowledging her authority, and replied, "Parinidhi Verma Agnihotri." With each word, I could see anger flicker in her eyes, her fists clenched tightly.

Suppressing a chuckle at her reaction, I tried to explain, "I was just sitting here, not doing anything wrong."

Her voice dripped with frustration as she snapped, "You've already crossed too many lines. There's nothing worse than that. Now, please, get out of here," she gestured forcefully towards the door.

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