| Unveiled Passions |

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Leaving the sterile halls of the hospital behind, I stepped into the cool embrace of my car, the engine purring to life as I started the journey home.

Naina's cryptic words lingered in the recesses of my mind: "No matter what, never lose faith in your love."

Despite my repeated attempts to glean meaning from her enigmatic advice, she remained tight-lipped, leaving me to unravel the mystery on my own.

Pushing aside the nagging thoughts, I pressed down on the accelerator, the rush of wind against the windows matching the urgency coursing through my veins. Home beckoned, and with it, the promise of seeing my Pari.

Arriving at the familiar gates, a letter awaited me, bearing the unmistakable "V" initial. With a sinking feeling, I knew its contents before even tearing open the envelope.

"Michel," I called out sharply, the weight of the letter heavy in my hand.

He appeared promptly, his eyes widening at the sight of the envelope. Catching it deftly as I tossed it toward him, his expression mirrored my own disbelief as he scanned its contents.

I sparked up a cigarette, the ember casting a fiery glow as I took a drag, the smoke curling around my words like a shroud of mystery. "The letter has reached my doorstep, yet you're still in the dark about its sender," I said, my voice low but laced with a chilling intensity.

Michel, my trusted confidant of many years, stood before me, his demeanor reflecting a mix of concern and determination. "Boss, we traced the sender of the letter received at the office, but the details were all false. It's likely to be the same this time. Whoever's behind this is adept at covering their tracks. But give me some time, I'll get to the bottom of it," he assured, his words carrying a note of reassurance.

Drawing deeply from my cigarette, I exhaled a plume of smoke before issuing my directive. "Step up the security at the house and mobilize more men to track down the sender."

As Michel nodded in acknowledgment, I could sense there was something else weighing on his mind. "Go ahead, ask what's on your mind," I prompted, taking another drag.

"Could Sahil Kashyap be involved in these letters?" he inquired, his tone betraying a hint of suspicion.

I scoffed softly, the ember of my cigarette glowing brightly as I spoke. "Sahil's too preoccupied with salvaging his sinking company to play games like this. Besides, the contents of those letters are known only to you, me, and Lia."

"By the way, where is she? I haven't seen her since she went to London to open her new restaurant chain," I asked Michael.

"She hasn't returned yet; perhaps she will come to visit Naina," Michael replied.

I nodded, Naina's recent behavior weighing heavily on my mind. "Keep an eye on Naina. She's been acting strangely lately. Also, find out who she's been meeting over the past week. Something's not right in her life," I instructed.

"Got it, boss. I'll have Naina's details for you by tomorrow," Michael assured me.

I nodded and lit another cigarette, turning to Michael. "How old are you, Michael?"

Surprised by the question, Michael hesitated before answering, "42."

"Okay," I nodded before asking, "Have you ever been on a date?"

His eyes widened, clearly taken aback. He shook his head, and I couldn't help but comment, "You're 42 and you've never been on a date? You better start dating before you become an old man."

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