| The Tyranny of Devansh |

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Two years ago, a critical moment unfolded when Pari saved Ansh's life. The following day, engrossed in my work, my PA approached me with urgency. "Boss, This is intended for your attention." he stated, handing over a folder.

During that period, Mr. Keshav, who was Arnav's father, served as my PA. Initially, he served as my father's PA and took charge of the company's affairs following my parents' passing.

He was more than just an employee; he was like a father figure to me. And then, after his untimely demise last year, Arnav stepped into his shoes.

"I've told you countless times, don't address me as 'boss' when it's just the two of us," I reminded him, motioning for him to take a seat.

As I flipped open the folder, I was met with Parinidhi's photos. I shot a questioning look at Mr. Keshav and asked, "I specifically instructed you to send a gift as a token of appreciation to that girl's house. Why did you bring her photos?"

Mr. Keshav rested both hands on the desk, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Dev, if all you needed was to send a gift, you could have delegated that to a driver or a guard. You wouldn't have needed me," he remarked, pausing to gauge my reaction, which he was adept at reading.

"You seek my approval, but without my direct involvement. That's why you tasked me with sending gifts, isn't it? Well, I've purchased all the gifts, but I haven't dispatched them yet. Because, you see, you'll have to accompany me."

"I think you've misunderstood this time," I quickly interjected, clarifying my intentions.

He chuckled at my reaction, his eyes betraying his amusement. "You can't fool me, Dev. I've seen you grow up. His expression then turned more serious, and he continued, "Parinidhi is a good girl."

"Parinidhi" name escaped my lips almost reflexively, a mere whisper in the air.

Mr. Keshav's expression softened as he continued, "Since your parents passed away, you've dedicated your life to ensuring Anshika's well-being. But remember, one day she'll grow up, get married, and start her own family. What then, Dev? You'll be left alone."

His words struck a chord deep within me as I contemplated his words. I had promised myself, in the solemnity of my parents' final rites, that Ansh would always come first in my life.

"But now, for the first time, someone else has caught your eye," Mr. Keshav continued, his voice filled with wisdom. "Don't dismiss the possibility of happiness, Dev. Parinidhi comes from a good family, and despite not having a father, she shoulders the responsibility of her entire household. You and she are meant to be together. She'll be your pillar of support, and you'll be hers. Life is too precious to spend it alone, my boy."

His words resonated deeply within me, evoking a myriad of emotions for Pari. I struggled to find the right words to express myself, so I opted for a silent nod, conveying my understanding and agreement.

"Alright then, we'll head to Pari's house together this evening to deliver the gifts. If the timing seems right, I'll even have a chat with her mother about marriage proposal," Mr. Keshav declared before getting up from his chair and exiting my office.

I reached for Pari's photo from the folder on my desk, feeling a rush of emotions flood over me. There was a serenity in her eyes that I hadn't felt for many years.

Throughout the day, I eagerly awaited the evening, longing to see Pari again. This time, I vowed to myself, I would hold her gaze and never let her slip away.

The sudden halt of the car snapped me out of my reverie, bringing me back to the present moment. As I looked ahead, I recognized that we had arrived at my second home, situated just beyond the city limits.

"Boss, we've arrived," Arnav's voice pierced the air, prompting me to step out of the car and head towards the basement of the house.

As I marched forward, a storm of fury brewed within me, matched only by the thunderous rhythm of my heart. For I was about to confront the very person whom the woman I cherish loves—a woman for whom I'd willingly lay down my life.

What would it be like to sense Pari's love, to glimpse affection for oneself in those tender eyes of hers? I found a strange comfort in her animosity, satisfied in the knowledge that she was with me, right there before my eyes.

As I faced him, a void consumed me, stripped of any semblance of mercy, for Devansh Agnihotri's honor reigned supreme. The sheer audacity of this man to trifle with it.

With a signal, my men exited the room. Seating myself across from him, I positioned the chair, crossing one leg over the other, and fixed my gaze upon him.

Where Ajit had been restrained in the chair, my men had already marred his visage beyond repair.

Ajit's slow, deliberate movement raised his gaze to meet mine. In any other circumstance, someone in his position would have either crumbled by now or lacked the courage to lock eyes with me. But here he was, staring back at me with such audacity that it fueled the fire coursing through my veins.

With a sudden surge of adrenaline, I leaped from my seat and unleashed a forceful kick to his chest, causing him to topple over, still restrained to the chair. His piercing scream echoed in the room, momentarily satisfying my rage.

With a deliberate stride, I closed the distance, my gaze piercing his soul as I applied relentless pressure to his chest with my shoe, aiming directly at his heart.

"In this very spot," I asserted, amplifying the intensity, "where love thrives for my wife." Each word was imbued with a potent mixture of determination and vengeance. These meticulously crafted shoes were designed for moments like this, their concealed spikes driving into his flesh with each calculated step.

His agonizing cry echoed through the room as he fought to remove my foot, each futile attempt causing his hand to graze the spikes, intensifying his torment.

With each passing moment, his cries intensified, reverberating off the walls with a haunting resonance. Finally, I yielded, removing my foot and forcefully readjusting the chair's position.

Leaning forward, I locked eyes with him, my voice dripping with intensity. "Pari is mine, and mine alone," I declared, my grip on the armrests tightening. "Every glance in her direction will lead you into the abyss. Consider this your final warning. If you value your existence, vanish from this city now. Because if I catch even a whisper of you attempting to reach out to my wife again, or lingering anywhere near her, you'll face a torment you never knew existed."

With determination coursing through my veins, I strode away. Ajit's voice thundered behind me, "Pari belongs to me alone, and I won't leave her." His declaration ignited a fierce determination within me, compelling me to turn back and confront him with unyielding resolve.

With a vice-like grip, I seized his collar, raining down a torrent of blows upon his face. His anguished cries pierced the air, echoing with such intensity that my men rushed inside, eager to witness the ferocity of my wrath.

"How dare you utter Pari's name with your unworthy mouth!" I thundered, each word punctuated by a relentless barrage of blows.

In a commanding voice, I demanded, "Release him now!" My words echoed through the room, compelling my men to swiftly free him from his restraints. With a decisive motion, I discarded my coat, letting it fall to the ground in a dramatic gesture, and rolled up my sleeves.

Gripping Ajit's collar firmly, I lifted him off the ground just as Arnav stormed into the room with urgent news.

"Boss, there's an urgent call from the hospital," he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency.

Releasing Ajit, I watched him collapse to the floor before striding purposefully out of the basement, leaving behind a scene of chaos and destruction.


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