| Threads of Suspicion |

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The next morning, a firm knock on the door roused me from sleep, and I found the staff standing there, ready to assist with my belongings.

Swiftly, they arranged everything in my new room, and after freshening up and dressing in a pristine white chiffon saree, I made my way downstairs.

With anticipation bubbling inside me, I reached the living room, eager to learn about Devansh's plans for the day.

Time ticked by as I waited, Anxiety crept in as I wondered if Devansh had already left, but my fears were dispelled when I caught the sound of his familiar footsteps descending the stairs.

Looking up, I saw Devansh engrossed in his phone, dialing a number as he made his way down.

"What's the news?" Devansh's voice pierced through the room, urgency and determination evident in every word.

Though the response on the other end remained a mystery to me, the weight of the conversation was palpable in Devansh's sudden change of expression.

Just as Devansh reached the final step, his gaze met mine. He stumbled, almost falling, but managed to steady himself with a firm grip on the handrail, his eyes never leaving mine.

After regaining his composure, his intense gaze bore into me, urging me to look away in discomfort before he continued.

"Arnav, aside from his brother, who else could possibly shield him? Apply pressure regarding the pending project he has with our company; I'll handle the rest," Devansh commanded, his voice resonating with authority and resolve.

Then I realised that Devansh was talking to Arnav, yes, it made sense considering the topic at hand.

"I need all the details by this evening, no matter what," Devansh stated firmly before abruptly ending the call and taking his seat at the breakfast table.

Devansh kept his conversation minimal over the call, perhaps to prevent me from understanding, unaware that I was already aware of everything.

In the absence of staff, I took it upon myself to serve breakfast, maintaining a respectful distance from Devansh as I did so.

Devansh's voice boomed, "Reshma!" Startled, the entire staff swiftly gathered in the living room.

"Y-yes sir," Reshma stammered nervously.

"Where were all of you? Do I need to send you an invitation to be here?" Devansh's irritation was evident in his tone.

The staff stood trembling, heads bowed in submission.

"I was attending to Anshika baby, Sir," Reshma explained quickly.

At the mention of Anshika's name, Devansh's anger seemed to dissipate, and he took a deep breath, addressing Reshma more calmly. "You go, and take care of Ansh."

Reshma disappeared from the scene, and her abrupt departure left the rest of us feeling uneasy. She was the most senior staff member, and her absence meant there was no one to handle any potential issues. Now that she was gone, I couldn't help but feel anxious about what might happen next.

"Come here, Pari... Parinidhi," Devansh's composed tone sliced through the air, intensifying my apprehension with every word.

As I approached, he gestured for me to take a seat, and I quickly complied. Devansh's anger had me on edge, and I was determined not to make any mistakes.

Just then, a maid appeared and served me breakfast. "Bring the box," Devansh instructed, and another maid hurried off to fetch it from his room.

Devansh glanced around at the staff and delivered a stern warning. "This is your last warning. Any further negligence in your duties will have serious consequences."

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