| Life's Hellish Beginning |

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As I hurriedly made my way, clutching my pounding heart in my chest, every step felt unsteady, and my breaths came in labored gasps. Driven by the fear of facing consequences if I were even a second late. I pushed forward with determination, my mind consumed by the urgency of the situation.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally reached the imposing gates of the mansion.

Relief washed over me momentarily. Swiftly wiping away any traces of emotion from my face, I approached the main door. Just as I was about to step inside, Devansh's sharp and disapproving voice pierced the air.

"Well looks like my lovely wife finally decided to grace us with her presence," he remarked, his tone laced with irritation.

My heart skipped a beat, fearing I was late. Glancing at the wall clock, which ominously read 4:59, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief and took a few tentative steps forward.

Devansh approached me, his gaze piercing as he scrutinized me from head to toe, sending shivers down my spine. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead.

"Next week, I'm hosting a party at home, celebrating our wedding," Devansh's voice reverberated with a simmering anger, each word laced with intensity.

Drawing closer, he leaned in, his eyes ablaze with fury. "If you dare to cause any trouble or engage in any suspicious activity that casts even the slightest shadow of doubt on our marriage, then mark my words: that day will be seared into your memory, etched as vividly as our wedding day."

I stood motionless, my hands clenched tightly at my sides, my gaze fixed on the ground.

"How could I ever forget that day?" I thought to myself, the memories flooding back, tears welling up in my eyes.

"All my business partners will be there. Behave yourself. If anything goes wrong, I'll ensure you regret your existence," he spat out, seizing my hand and dragging me upstairs.

With a forceful shove, he pushed me to the floor. "Clean the floor," he commanded, before storming off, leaving me to lament over my wretched existence.

As I scrubbed the floor, Devansh appeared from his room, his watch glinting as he marched towards me with determination. I braced myself for what was about to happen.

I avoided meeting his gaze, sensing the force of his calculated stride as he pressed his foot onto my hand while adjusting his watch.

"I'm going to the hospital. If you want any luck on your side, keep out of my sight when I return," his words dripped with coldness, echoing in the room.

I bit my lip to suppress a cry as his shoes dug into my hand, tears blurring my vision. Devansh's gaze bore into me with an intensity that chilled me to the bone.

With a disdainful look, he turned and walked away, leaving me to grapple with my pain and uncertainty. Alone in the room, tears silently streamed down my face as I pondered what awaited me upon his return.

Would it be another night of torment, or something far worse? The fear of the unknown gripped me, draining the life out of me.

Tears fell as I recalled that dreadful night. It marked the start of my unwanted marriage, orchestrated by Devansh. He ensured our wedding night was a nightmare, leaving scars that never faded.


As I stood at the threshold, ready to enter his home after the wedding, Devansh's rage erupted like a volcano. "I'm heading to the hospital. Stay put until I return," he commanded before storming off, leaving me frozen in fear.

My legs quivered with the desire to defy him, yet fear held me back. Perhaps no bride had ever stood so alone at her doorstep, clad in her wedding attire, feeling more like a prisoner than a bride.

As night descended, the screech of Devansh's car marked his return. Every step he took towards me felt like the tightening of a noose around my neck, his eyes seething with anger.

With a menacing glare, he seized my hand and dragged me to his room. "Everyone out now!" his voice boomed, sending the staff fleeing in terror.

Alone in the room, I gazed into his eyes, silently pleading for mercy. But my hopes were dashed as he forcefully shoved me to the floor and slammed the door shut, trapping me in the darkness of his wrath.

As I slid backward on the floor, Devansh advanced towards me with every step, his eyes ablaze with fury.

"My sister lies on a hospital bed because of your brother," he snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "She's just a child, barely 16, yet your brother's brutality has left her fighting for her life. I'm tempted to end his existence in a heartbeat."

Devansh's grip tightened on my neck as he leaned in, his breath hot against my skin. "But I won't grant him that mercy," he hissed. "No, I want him to suffer, just as my sister suffered. And you, you will bear the brunt of his sins. Your brother will weep tears of blood, just as I have."

I immediately grabbed his hand, desperately trying to free myself from his grip on my neck. "My brother didn't do anything, please don't hurt him," I pleaded, my voice trembling with fear. "He's innocent, Devansh, please spare him."

With a push, Devansh threw me onto the bed. Frantically, I tried to get up, but he swiftly came over and pinned me down, restraining my hands to the headrest.

"Please, Devansh, let me go," I begged, tears streaming down my face as I struggled against his hold.

Devansh grabbed my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. "Don't worry, wifey," he sneered. "I won't lay a hand on you. I didn't come here to consummate our marriage. I'm here to give you the reward for your brother's deeds." With those chilling words, he released my chin, leaving me sobbing uncontrollably.

As tears flowed from my eyes, and my life seemed to drain away, I watched in horror as Devansh reached for his belt, realising the nightmare that was about to unfold.

That night marked the beginning of my tumultuous marriage. Devansh's anger was a storm brewing in the room, the tension thick and suffocating. He raised his belt, eyes blazing with fury, and I braced myself for the inevitable pain.

Desperation surged within me, and I screamed, "Please No!" For a moment, time seemed to freeze. His hand stopped mid-air, the belt poised like a dark promise.

His eyes locked onto mine, a mixture of rage and something unreadable flickering in their depths. Slowly, the belt lowered, but the fury in his gaze didn't waver.

Without a word, Devansh turned and stormed out of the room, leaving me trembling in the aftermath.

The silence that followed was deafening, filled with the echoes of what had almost happened. It was in that moment, alone and shaken, that I fully grasped the harsh reality of my future.



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