| Echoes of Affection |

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I tossed and turned on the bed all night, sleep a distant companion.

Initially, I had considered stealing the file and handing it over to Sahil. However, once I discovered that he had lied to manipulate me, I vowed never to help him in anyway.

Now, as the situation had finally started to improve for me, the mere thought of stealing the file and getting caught by Devansh filled me with dread.

But what had Ajit done to deserve this? He is an innocent soul, suffering unjustly.

I shook my head, resolute. No matter what, I had to steal the file tomorrow and hand it over to Sahil to secure Ajit's safety.

Ajit had already borne so much pain because of me, and I couldn't bear to see him suffer any longer. Even if it meant risking everything, I had to take action.

The next morning, I quickly got ready, my thoughts consumed with devising a plan to steal the file. It wasn't as if I could just walk up to Devansh and he'd hand it over. I needed a strategy; if I got caught in the act, I wouldn't be able to save Ajit or myself.

As I mulled over possible scenarios, my phone buzzed. Another message from the same unknown number appeared on the screen.

Message: "The deadline for submitting the tender is 6 PM. I need the file by 5 PM at the latest. Bring it on a pen drive. Do not touch the physical file, or your so-called husband will immediately know it has been tampered with."

I felt a shiver run down my spine. The stakes were high, and the pressure was mounting. I had to be smart and cautious. One wrong move and everything would fall apart. With a deep breath, I resolved to find a way to get the file without raising any suspicion. Failure was not an option.

I thought about going to Devansh's office right away, but I realized he was probably still working on the file. It wasn't finished yet. So, I waited for a few hours. Around four in the evening, I reached his office.

This was the first time I'd ever been to Devansh's office, and ironically, it was to commit a theft.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the office building. I headed straight to the reception.

"I need to meet Devansh Agnihotri. Could you please tell me which floor to go to?" I asked the receptionist.

She didn't look up from her computer and asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

My heart sank. Of course, Devansh is the boss here; no one could just walk in and see him without an appointment.

I gathered myself and said, "Ma'am, I don't have an appointment, but I have very important work with him. Please help me."

The receptionist, still engrossed in her computer, seemed annoyed by my insistence. "Look, miss, people like you—" Her words trailed off mid-sentence as she looked up and stared at me in shock.

"P-Parinidhi Agnihotri," she stammered, her lips trembling.

Her sudden change in demeanor threw me off, but I managed to nod.

"I'm terribly sorry, ma'am. I had no idea it was you. Please, don't report this to the boss," she hurriedly apologized.

I realized time was slipping away. With a sense of urgency, I halted her and asked in a firm tone, "I need to see Devansh urgently. Which floor should I head to?"

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