| Whispers of Heartbreak |

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Pari and I were sitting in the car, and as I drove, I couldn't help but steal glances at her, absorbed in admiring the scenery outside.

Pressing a button, I lowered the car window, and as expected, Pari's eyes immediately turned towards me.

The breeze outside tousled her hair, and strands fluttered onto her face, which she pushed behind her ears.

"Where are we going?" Pari asked, looking towards the road ahead.

"Um, we're going on a date," I said, a chuckle escaping my lips as I anticipated her reaction.

Lately, my wife had been showing signs of irritation more frequently, but I didn't let it bother me. I was prepared to cater to her every whim.

"Tell me, where are we going?" Pari asked again, her voice tinged with irritation this time, a furrow forming on her brow.

In response, I said, "We're going to your favorite place," and focused my attention back on the road.

"No chance you know," she murmured in a barely audible voice, but I heard her clearly.

I didn't respond, hoping that when Pari sees her favorite place, her doubts would be cleared, and she would be happy.

I had a slight fear that she might get angry when I tell her the truth. There were many things I hadn't told Pari yet, and I didn't want to risk revealing them all at once, fearing she might get upset or even talk about leaving, as she did yesterday.

However, the thought of Pari being away from me was laughable. She might not realise it yet, but nothing in this world could ever separate us. She belonged to me, body and soul, and sooner or later, she would understand that. She was bound to me, forever and unconditionally. No force, no person, nothing would ever come between us. She is mine, and I would make sure she knew it, felt it in every fiber of her being, until there was no doubt left in her mind. I would claim her, love her, and possess her so completely that she would never think of leaving again.

"Shall I put on some music?" she asked softly, pulling me out of my reverie.

I maneuvered the car to the side without a second thought, unfastening my seatbelt and shifting slightly in my seat to face her.

"Why did you stop the car?" she inquired, her confusion evident in her furrowed brow.

"Why did you just ask that?" I replied, striving to maintain a composed tone, though a tinge of sternness unintentionally seeped in.

"I-I just wondered if I could play some music," she stammered nervously, avoiding my gaze and fidgeting with her fingers.

"Why?" I probed gently, suppressing any hint of frustration, determined not to mar the evening with tension.

"If you don't want to play it, that's fine, but why all the questions?" she said, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment as she gazed out of the car window.

"Pari," I called out softly, prompting her to turn her gaze towards me.

"When I asked 'why,' I meant why didn't you just play the music directly?" I clarified gently.

Surprise briefly flickered across her face before she composed herself, her expression turning neutral. "I asked because it's your car," she replied, a note of frustration lacing her words.

Shaking my head slightly, I couldn't help but smile at her response. "Are you still thinking like that, Pari? I thought we had moved beyond the 'yours' and 'mine' stage. Everything we have now belongs to you, including all of this. You have full authority over it. So, whether you want to play music in this car or set it ablaze, it's entirely up to you. But please, don't ask me such questions again. Just do whatever you want directly."

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