| Glimmer of Hope?|

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As I sat in the car with Ansh, driving back home after picking her up from school, we came to a halt at a traffic signal. Just then, my phone began to ring, and I got engrossed in a call, tapping away on my laptop.

Unbeknownst to me, Ansh slipped out of the car. When I finally ended the call and turned to her, my heart skipped a beat as I found her seat empty. "Ansh? Where are you?" I called out, my voice tinged with panic.

I hurriedly asked the driver, but he was clueless too. Without a moment's hesitation, I dashed out of the car, scanning the surroundings for any sign of Ansh.

Then, relief flooded over me as I spotted her walking towards me from down the road. "Ansh!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with a mix of relief and worry.

She waved at me, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived. A loud honk pierced through the air, and my heart lurched as I saw a truck speeding dangerously close to Ansh.

Fear gripped me, and without a second thought, I sprinted towards her, shouting her name. "Ansh! Move!" I yelled, my voice straining with urgency.

As I sprinted towards Ansh, yelling her name with all my might, my heart pounded against my chest in sheer panic. But before I could reach her, the truck swerved past and sped away, leaving me frozen in horror. "Anshhhh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice filled with terror.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as my heart skipped a beat, and a chilling fear gripped me. I felt as though the world had come crashing down around me, and I was left trembling with the terrifying thought that I had lost Ansh forever.

In that moment of overwhelming fear and despair, Ansh came running towards me. Her presence filled me with immense relief, and I enveloped her in a tight embrace, holding her close as if never wanting to let her go.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I asked, my voice trembling with residual fear.

Ansh shook her head, her eyes wide with shock. "I'm fine, Bhaiya," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Relief washed over me, but it was quickly replaced by a surge of anger and concern. "Ansh, how many times have I told you not to get out of the car without telling me?" I scolded, my voice stern.

"I'm sorry, Bhaiya. I won't do it again," Ansh replied, her voice filled with remorse.

I sighed, pulling her into another hug. "Thank goodness you're safe," I murmured, holding her close.

As Ansh broke the hug, she pointed towards the opposite side of the road and said, "Bhaiya, she saved me. She pulled me back." I stood there, frozen in fear, as I followed Ansh's gaze towards the direction she was pointing. A sense of tranquility washed over me as I noticed her brushing dirt off her clothes, presumably from the recent incident.

She was on the opposite side of the road, and from there, she continued walking ahead. I had never met or seen her before, but in just one glance, she had left an indelible mark on my heart. Every step she took away from me felt like a heavy stone weighing down on my chest, burdened by the weight of what could have been a tragic loss.


As I got ready in my usual formal attire, I descended the stairs and found Pari standing by the window, gazing out towards the garden. Her presence always brought a sense of calm to my heart, and I made my way down the stairs to the dining table, where I took a seat. It was only then that Pari seemed to notice my presence and immediately tensed up, her eyes avoiding mine.

"Come here," I called out to Pari, and she walked over to me with robotic precision, standing before me as I gestured for her to take a seat. She sat down obediently, but her tension was palpable.

As we began breakfast, I casually asked, "Do you like flowers?" It was a simple question, but Pari's reaction was unexpected. She choked on her food, coughing violently. I quickly handed her a glass of water, watching as she gulped it down and accidentally spilled some on her clothes in her trembling state. I knew all too well why her hands were shaking.

"Yes," Pari replied, looking at me. Confused, I raised an eyebrow gazing at her.

"Earlier, you asked me if I like flowers, so I answered yes," she explained nervously.

I nodded in understanding and reassured her, "Well then, whenever you feel like it, you can go to the garden, and if you want to plant any flowers, just let the staff know."

Pari's eyes widened as she looked at me and nodded before returning to her breakfast. As I got up from the table, I told her, "You don't need to wear the uniform. You can wear regular clothes." With that, I left for outside, leaving Pari in shock. There was no need for me to turn back and confirm her reaction; her stunned expression said it all.


The everyday tasks of visiting the garden and dressing in preferred attire may appear ordinary to others. Until recently, these were routine for me too, but now, they hold a significant appeal.

In the past, leisurely walks in the garden and selecting outfits were simple pleasures, providing solace and self-expression. However, circumstances have changed.

Devansh had given me permission to plant flowers, access the garden, and I no longer needed to wear the uniform. Despite my reluctance, a smile involuntarily appeared on my face. I was lost in my thoughts when Reshma arrived and said, "You have a call."

Nervously, I asked, "Is it Devansh sir?" and Reshma shook her head, indicating it wasn't him.

Confused, I looked at Reshma, wondering why someone would call here when neither Rahul nor my mother had the number. Then, I walked over to the phone, picked up the receiver, and hesitantly said hello.

But there was no response, leaving me even more puzzled. I repeated hello, but still, no answer came. My heart raced, and I nervously whispered, "Ajit?"

"Pari," suddenly, Ajit's voice came from the other end of the line, catching me off guard. His unexpected presence on the phone line left me speechless, as if the world had momentarily paused around me.

As the silence lingered between us, I stood there holding the phone, my mind racing with a flurry of thoughts and emotions. The weight of the silence felt heavy, pressing down on me as I struggled to find the right words to break it.

With each passing moment, the silence grew more unbearable, stretching out into eternity. I felt a knot forming in my stomach, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety churning within me.

Finally, unable to endure the silence any longer, I summoned the courage to open my mouth, hoping to fill the void with my voice.

Just then, a voice from behind asked, "Who are you talking to?"


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