| Weight of Choices |

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As Devansh, Michael, Mukul, and I reached the basement, Devansh abruptly halted, causing me to stop in my tracks as well. Mukul and Michael continued ahead into the basement.

"What's wrong, Dev?" I asked, concerned by the distress on Devansh's face.

Devansh turned towards me, his eyes softening. "Pari, please listen to me. Go back to the room. You really won't be able to handle the situation."

Devansh's words gave me pause, making me wonder about the difficult situation he must have put Natalia and Ajit through, believing it was something I couldn't bear to witness.

I paused, grappling with my thoughts in the midst of this tumultuous situation. While I didn't suspect Mukul and Michael, Reshma's betrayal had shaken me to the core, casting doubt on my trust in everyone around me.

Moreover, Devansh's intense anger suggested he might lose control and lash out at Natalia and Ajit. I was determined not to let him succumb to that rage. I resolved to stay by his side, hoping to calm him if needed.

Turning to Devansh, I asserted firmly, "I'm not going back, Dev." Gripping his hand tightly, I moved forward. I sensed the weight of his sigh before he began following behind me.

As I took cautious steps forward, Ajit's screams pierced my ears, making my heart sink into my stomach.

Despite this, I continued to move ahead, but the moment I stepped inside, my eyes widened in horror. The sight before me was so ghastly that I couldn't think straight; I was in complete shock.

Bloodstains covered one wall, as if someone's head had been repeatedly smashed against it. The floor was also stained with blood, and when I mustered the courage to look at Ajit, I stumbled back in revulsion and fear, colliding with Devansh's chest.

Ajit's fingernails had been torn out and lay scattered on the ground, leaving his fingers grotesquely bloodied. Natalia had suffered the same fate.

However, while Ajit's face was a mask of terror and his dried tears marked his ordeal, Natalia sat calmly in her chair. Despite the immense torture she must have endured, there wasn't a trace of pain on her face.

Seeing her so composed after such torment left me bewildered. I couldn't comprehend how she could remain so relaxed after experiencing such agony.

Ajit lifted his head, his eyes meeting mine. The pain and vulnerability in his gaze made my heart ache.

"P-Pari," Ajit barely managed to say my name before Michael punched him hard in the stomach.

"Ahhh," Ajit cried out in pain. Instinctively, I took a step toward him, but before I could move any further, Devansh grabbed my hand and yanked me back.

The sudden pull made me crash into Devansh's chest. He placed a firm hand on my stomach, holding me in place. Leaning close to my ear, he whispered, "I warned you, Pari. You insisted on coming, so now you have to witness this." His tone was deadly, sending a cold shiver through my body.

I stood frozen, my mind racing. I could hardly believe the brutality unfolding before me, the sheer rawness of the scene. The walls stained with blood, the floor a grim tableau of suffering, Ajit's broken form, and Natalia's unnerving composure—it was all too much.

"Dev, please," I whispered, my voice shaking, "This isn't right."

Devansh didn't respond to my words. I tried to pull away from his grip, but it only tightened. Realizing it was futile, I stopped and stood still, silent.

Her Nightmare | 18+Where stories live. Discover now