| Healing Words |

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Ignoring Devansh and Mukul's banter, I focused on the task at hand. Retrieving the container, I prepared to pack the kheer when Devansh returned to the kitchen.

"Where were we?" His playful tone filled the room as he leaned against the counter, arms folded confidently across his chest.

"Nowhere," I replied tersely, refusing to entertain his flirtatious banter as I continued packing the kheer.

His gaze lingered on me, his eyes searching for something I couldn't decipher. "Who's this for?" he inquired, his tone light but curious.

"For Ajit," I responded without missing a beat, the words slipping out effortlessly.

I felt no remorse. After all, Ajit had always been a good friend, and he always would be.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I stole a quick glance at Devansh, expecting his usual explosive reaction. To my surprise, he remained calm, his demeanor composed.

I didn't dwell on it too much and went to fetch my bag from the living room.

Upon my return to the kitchen, I found the container empty. Confusion clouded my mind as I wondered where the kheer had disappeared to. I checked the pot where I had stored the kheer, only to find it empty as well.

Then, my gaze landed on Devansh, who stood innocently, a mischievous glint in his eyes. As I scrutinized him closely, I noticed a smear of kheer at the corner of his lips.

With the empty container in hand, I confronted him, irritation evident in my voice. "What's this?"

"A container," he replied nonchalantly.

"I also know that it's a container, but why is it empty? You've finished the entire kheer," I questioned, irritation bubbling up.

"Yeah," he shrugged casually, his demeanor unperturbed.

"Devansh..." I spat his name, the frustration evident in my tone as I slammed the container down on the kitchen counter. Placing both hands firmly on the counter, I leveled a steely gaze at him.

"Yes, my love," he murmured affectionately, closing the distance between us.

His calm demeanor amidst my frustration only stoked the fire within me, and I couldn't contain my outburst. "Shut the fuck—" I began, but he quickly hushed me with a finger pressed to my lips.

"I've asked you not to swear," he reminded me gently, his touch soft.

Frustrated, I pushed his hand away. "You think just because you finished the kheer, I can't send some for Ajit? I'll whip up another batch for him, and this time, I'll personally deliver it," I declared, turning to ignite the gas stove.

Before I could do so, he swiftly moved the pot aside and placed his hand on it. Startled, I looked at him, realizing the danger I had almost caused by igniting the gas stove.

"Are you insane?" I exclaimed in frustration.

"For you," he replied softly, his eyes holding mine with unwavering sincerity.

I gazed at him in disbelief, a mixture of frustration and disappointment swirling within me. With a resigned sigh, I decided it was best to walk away, knowing that further discussion would likely lead nowhere.

Devansh wasted no time in pulling me back, positioning me firmly in front of the gas stove.

His imposing presence pressed against my back, trapping me against the counter as he leaned in close to my ear. "Make the kheer for your friend Ajit," he commanded, his voice dripping with authority and menace.

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