| Bonds Shattered | Part 3

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"How dare you set foot in my house?" Devansh's voice reverberated like thunder, sending a shiver down everyone's spine. My heart skipped a beat witnessing his furious demeanor.

The confusion was overwhelming, my mind on the verge of exploding as I tried to comprehend who had triggered Devansh's wrath.

From where I stood, I could only see my mother, who was visibly trembling from the thunderous rage in Devansh's voice.

I quickly took a few steps towards her, but I had barely moved two steps when my heart plummeted into my stomach at the sight of Ajit.

Ajit stood a few paces behind my mother, and right behind him were Devansh's men, their guns pointed directly at Ajit. With just a single gesture from Devansh, they could have ended Ajit's life.

I immediately turned to look at Devansh, struggling to maintain my composure. I slowly shook my head, mouthing the word "please."

Devansh's jaw tightened visibly, his eyes ablaze with fury as he signaled his men to take action. Without hesitation, they seized Ajit and forcefully escorted him out of the mansion premises.


"Pari, let's go," my mother's voice cut through the tension, her tone a blend of authority and concern.

My head snapped towards her, but what truly unnerved me was Devansh's unsettling silence. He stood there, a pillar of calm amidst the storm, his eyes fixed on some distant point.

After Ajit was escorted out of the mansion, my mother and Devansh retreated for a private conversation behind closed doors. Whatever transpired in that room remained veiled in secrecy, hidden from prying eyes.

As they emerged, my mother's words hung in the air, heavy with implication, "Pari, let's go."

I stood frozen, a whirlwind of shock and disbelief swirling within me. My gaze shifted to Devansh, who seemed indifferent to my presence, his demeanor inscrutable. It was as though he had withdrawn into his own fortress, impervious to the turmoil around him.

As I contemplated giving this relationship a chance, I couldn't help but wonder: why was all of this happening? The sense of injustice ignited a simmering rage within me.

When I endured the worst of Devansh's transgressions, I suffered alone in silence. No one seemed to notice or care about my plight. I knew that even if my mother were to discover the truth, she would be devastated by my suffering. However, her staunch beliefs in the sanctity of marriage would have prevented her from intervening. Instead, she would have urged me to persevere and salvage our crumbling relationship. Despite this, I couldn't fault her, as I understood her motivations.

So why the sudden urgency to uproot me from this turmoil? And perhaps more perplexing, why was Devansh acquiescing to my departure? These unanswered questions tormented me, driving me to the brink of madness as I struggled to comprehend the inexplicable turn of events.

Amidst the chaos, a surge of indignation surged through me. It felt as though my agency had been stripped away, my fate dictated by the whims of others—first Rahul, then Anshika, and now my own mother.

In the midst of the tumult, one thought echoed with chilling clarity: What about me? What about my decisions, my heart? It lay shattered, a casualty of Devansh's callous indifference, his actions a stark betrayal of the love and devotion he once professed.

"Pari, let's go," my mother's voice pierced through the cacophony, her outstretched hand a silent plea.

Through tear-blurred eyes, I met her gaze, then glanced at the hand she offered. With a heavy heart, I gently withdrew from her grasp, a silent protest against the forces that sought to dictate my destiny.

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