| Devansh's Unrequited Love |

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"How dare you presume she'd ever love someone like you? You, who can't even control your own anger, have turned her life into a living hell. And now, in the presence of the one she truly loves, you're begging for scraps of her affection.
Remember the day you promised you'd always love her but couldn't find the courage to tell her? So, what's changed now? Why this sudden vulnerability? You don't deserve her love," my conscience questioned me.

With a heavy thud, I sank into the chair, grappling with the truth that I am unworthy of her love and she doesn't deserve this torment. Yet, I can't bring myself to let her go; I'll never have the strength to push her away.


"Boss, have you finished your work?" Mr. Keshav inquired as he stepped into my office.

I nodded, swiftly organizing files and gathering my belongings, preparing to leave for the day.

For some time, a lingering question had been circling my mind, yet I struggled to find the right words to ask.

As we exited the elevator and made our way towards the car, Mr. Keshav glanced at me and remarked, "You seem preoccupied, Devansh. Is there something on your mind?"

I glanced at him, and he chuckled upon seeing my expression. "I don't just say it, Devansh. I can read you," Mr. Keshav remarked with a hint of amusement.

Seated in the back of the car with Mr. Keshav beside me, my eyes fell upon the passenger seat, which was filled with gifts.

As the question looped back into my thoughts, I couldn't shake off the uncertainty. However, summoning the courage, I turned my gaze towards Mr. Keshav and ventured, albeit somewhat awkwardly, "Do you think I should buy a gift for her?"

Mr. Keshav chuckled and said, "Devansh, we're going to Parinidhi's house to extend our thanks for saving Anshika's life. When the time comes, then you can think about gifts," he advised with a grin.

I nodded in silence, my mind consumed by thoughts of Pari. As the car sped forward, each beat of my heart echoed with a potent mix of anticipation and uncertainty. It was a feeling I hadn't experienced before, a surge of emotions intertwining within me, stirring a potent cocktail of excitement and trepidation.

"Hmm, lost in thoughts of Parinidhi?" Mr. Keshav's playful tone pierced through my introspection, prompting me to refocus my attention outward.

Despite his efforts to uplift my spirits, a sense of inner turmoil lingered within me, overshadowing any fleeting moments of joy. Yet, amidst the chaos of my inner world, one thought stood out like a beacon of hope—Pari. In her, I found a newfound source of strength, a powerful force driving me forward amidst the uncertainties of life.

The car screeched to a halt as Mr. Keshav instructed the driver to pull over to the side of the road.

"Devansh, Parinidhi's house is...," Mr. Keshav's words trailed off, and as I glanced towards him, I noticed his gaze was elsewhere. Without further explanation, he directed the driver, "No, we've come to the wrong place. This isn't the house. Keep driving ahead."

I couldn't decipher the turmoil that had engulfed Mr. Keshav, yet my instincts led my eyes to where his had lingered, unveiling a sight seemingly crafted to shatter my heart into shards.

"Stop the car!" My voice pierced through the air, commanding attention, as the engine's hum lingered in the background, a stark contrast to the tension that filled the vehicle.

"Devansh," Mr. Keshav's tone faltered, his eyes betraying a depth of emotion that words could scarcely capture, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake.

As Mr. Keshav complied with my command and went ahead, after I exited the car, feeling a surge of emotions coursing through me. Standing there, I watched Pari, arrived on bike, engaged in conversation with a young man, their hands intertwined. The air around them seemed to shimmer with an unspoken connection as they shared smiles and exchanged words, oblivious to the world around them.

As I stood there, silently witnessing Pari's tender moment with Ajit, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed me, stirring a storm within my soul. Every fiber of my being ached with an intensity I had never known before. It was as if the universe conspired to taunt me, mocking the fragility of my heart.

The sight of Pari's radiant smile as she embraced Ajit etched itself into my memory, haunting me with its bittersweet beauty.

As Pari felt my gaze, she turned towards me, and in that brief moment, it felt like the universe stood still, binding us in an intense connection. Yet, as quickly as it happened, she averted her eyes, returning her focus to Ajit. Their embrace and the gentle kiss on her cheek served as a cruel reminder of what would never be.

Emotions surged within me, rendering me motionless as I grappled with the tumultuous feelings raging inside. Tears blurred my vision, mingling with the ache of heartbreak and despair.

With each step Pari took away, the weight of unanswered questions bore down on me, a burden too heavy to bear. Why me? Why now? If her love wasn't meant for me, why did fate introduce her into my life, only to snatch her away?

I found myself adrift, lost in a sea of uncertainty, each step forward feeling heavier than the last. My mind, clouded with doubts, questioned the audacity of my hope for love. Oblivious to the world around me, I wandered aimlessly.

"Devansh, let's head home. Anshika is waiting for you," Mr. Keshav's voice broke through my reverie, pulling me back to reality.

As I blinked away my tears, I realized I was standing on an unfamiliar street. Mr. Keshav's comforting hand on my shoulder offered silent solace. Gathering my resolve, I wiped away my tears, took a deep breath, and settled into the car seat.

The car began its journey homeward, and I stared blankly out the window, lost in introspection. It was then that the bitter truth dawned on me - perhaps love was never meant to find its way into my life.

Turning to Mr. Keshav, I issued a solemn instruction, "Please deliver all these gifts to Pari's house tomorrow, and take care of everything from now on."

He nodded in understanding, and as I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes, I allowed myself to be consumed once again by the relentless churn of my thoughts.



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