| Shadows Beneath the Facade |

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It was late at night, and the road was deserted. In a remote area, two cars came to a halt, facing each other. Both drivers stepped out of their vehicles.

Natalia leaned against her car, lighting a cigarette. She took a deep drag, her eyes smoldering with anger as she sized up the man standing before her. The tension in the air was thick, her glare piercing through the silence of the night.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Natalia's voice was a low growl, each word dripping with restrained fury.

The man shifted uncomfortably but held his ground, trying to maintain his composure under her intense scrutiny.

Natalia's fury radiated like heat waves off pavement. She glared daggers at the man standing before her, her nostrils flaring with every breath. "You absolute imbecile. Dev will see through this charade in seconds, and he'll think I had a hand in it. Who gave you the audacity to send that photo?"

The man opened his mouth to respond, but Natalia wasn't finished. With a swift flick of her wrist, she tossed her cigarette to the ground, grinding it mercilessly under her heel. "Now, thanks to your reckless stunt, I can't even face Dev anymore."

"Oh, because you were planning to face him anytime soon?" he retorted, his voice tinged with frustration. "You've been dodging him for a month."

"I wasn't dodging, I was strategizing," Natalia snapped, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "I was figuring out how to drive a wedge between them. And she still doesn't know about Dev's mental state. It's high time she found out. Then she'll leave him, mark my words."

"But what if it backfires? What if she stays, despite knowing?" His concern was evident in his voice. "Devansh isn't exactly stable. What if he lashes out when she tries to leave?"

Natalia's eyes flashed with a mixture of rage and determination. She closed the gap between them, her hand connecting with his cheek in a resounding slap. "Don't you dare insinuate that Dev is unstable. He's not."

The man recoiled, a hand instinctively rising to his stinging cheek. "How dare you slap me?"

Natalia stood her ground, her expression unyielding. She brandished her phone like a weapon, a twisted smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I still have that video, you know."

"Bitch," he spat, taking a step back.

"Yes, I'm that bitch," Natalia replied, her tone dripping with disdain. "The one you were moaning 'Pari, Pari' with while you were fucking me, Ajit."

"Don't you dare speak her name," Ajit growled, his eyes blazing with anger.

Natalia raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Funny, considering this mouth was busy sucking your cock while that 'bitch' wouldn't even let you touch her."

Ajit's frustration was palpable as he ran a hand through his hair. "That was a fucking mistake. You were a mistake. And why are you threatening me when you were moaning Devansh's name while I fucked you?"

Natalia's smirk stretched wider, a glimmer of malice glinting in her eyes. "Ah, yes, Devansh. The mere thought of him was my only solace during our little escapade."

Ajit's jaw tightened, his fists clenching at his sides. "You're deranged, Natalia."

Natalia's laughter echoed hollowly in the desolate surroundings. "Deranged? Perhaps. But at least I'm not delusional like you, Ajit. You think you can play both sides and emerge unscathed? Think again."

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