| Charade |

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For the first time in a decade, I felt an overwhelming sense of being truly wanted, of her needing me with the same intensity that I needed her.

It was as if a deep void within me was finally being filled, a void that had been growing larger with each passing year.

When she kissed me, I experienced a terror so profound that it felt like my heart might give out, a fear so intense it seemed as though I might die from it.

Yet, if death came now, I would embrace it with open arms because my Pari had kissed me for the first time.

She kissed me of her own free will, without any force or hesitation.

My heart was still thundering in my chest; this joy was beyond anything I had ever known. It was a joy so profound it brought tears to my eyes, a joy that made me feel truly alive for the first time in years.

I had known happiness before—cherished moments with my mom and dad, the pure joy of holding Ansh for the first time, the simple pleasures that life had to offer.

But this feeling was different. This happiness was so intense, so extraordinary, that it felt as though it could lift me to the very heights of the heavens.

In that kiss, I found my reason for being, my purpose, my everything. This was the beginning of something beautiful, something eternal, something that would change our lives forever.

I stepped out of the elevator and headed towards my cabin, a smile seemingly plastered on my lips that just wouldn't fade. Each step felt lighter, as if I was walking on air.

"Boss," Arnav's voice pierced through my euphoric haze, dragging me back to reality.

I turned to face him, the remnants of my smile fading slightly. "What is it, Arnav?" I asked, my tone a mix of irritation and curiosity.

Arnav looked slightly taken aback by my glare. "These are the tender documents, Boss. I need you to review them so the team can leave and submit them before the deadline." he said, holding out a file.

Suppressing a sigh, "Alright, bring them to my cabin," I replied, trying to keep my frustration in check.

As I continued walking, my thoughts drifted back to Pari, the smile slowly returning to my face.


Time felt like it was slipping away, each moment fleeting, as I checked my phone repeatedly.

Each passing second held value; as I glanced again, only ten minutes remained until the five o'clock deadline when I reached the warehouse.

Surrounded by emptiness, the warehouse stood solitary, its presence looming.

With cautious steps, I approached the open gate, ready to venture inside.

"Look who's here early, Ms. Oops, sorry, Mrs. Agnihotri," Sahil's mocking voice echoed, halting me in my tracks.

I looked around, but the darkness obscured everything.

Suddenly, a clicking sound echoed, and lights flickered on one by one. The sudden brightness was blinding, and I instinctively shut my eyes tight.

Slowly, I opened them and saw Sahil standing a short distance away, flanked by his men. The warehouse was cluttered with equipment and supplies.

Then, my gaze landed on Ajit, tied to a chair beside Sahil. He was conscious but bound and gagged, tape covering his mouth.

Her Nightmare | 18+Where stories live. Discover now