| Parinidhi's Unyielding Grace |

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"Devansh, let me go! This won't end well for you," I screamed, my hands pounding on his back with all my strength.

But it seemed like my blows were futile against Devansh's determination to carry me away.

"Release her immediately!" a voice thundered with anger, prompting me to turn my head towards the source.

It was Mukul, striding purposefully to stand before Devansh.

"I said, let her go," Mukul demanded sternly.

"Don't interfere, Mukul. This is between me and my wife," Devansh retorted, his focus shifting to Mukul, and his grip on me loosening slightly. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly jumped down from his shoulder.

But to my misfortune, I had forgotten about my twisted ankle, and the jump had caused a sharp surge of pain. I was on the brink of losing my balance when Mukul swiftly grabbed my hand, preventing me from falling.

Standing firmly on my feet, enduring the pain, I thanked Mukul for his timely intervention.

He nodded in acknowledgment before turning his gaze towards Devansh. "When are you going to change your ways, Devansh? Tell me, or if you have no intention to, just say it. I don't want to harbor false hopes of your goodness," he said, frustration evident in his voice.

"Mukul, don't interfere. Pari twisted her ankle, but she was refusing to go to the doctor, so I had to lift her," Devansh quickly explained, trying to justify his actions.

"Why was Bhabhi refusing, though? You know better than anyone else, so how could you force her?" Mukul questioned sharply.

And with Mukul's inquiry, I realised that Devansh must have revealed all his misdeeds to Mukul, explaining why Mukul was so confrontational with Devansh.

Mukul's words seemed to rob Devansh of his voice, leaving him utterly silent.

I had no inclination to linger there. With the pain escalating, I pressed on, each step measured and deliberate.

Despite Devansh's calls from behind, I chose to ignore him and continue forward.

But as I advanced, a faint whimper reached my ears, prompting me to change course and follow the sound.

Even amidst my own footsteps, I could still hear the steady rhythm of Devansh and Mukul trailing behind me.

With each growing sob, I began to discern the source of the cries, slowly recognizing the familiar tone.

And as the cries intensified, I finally identified whose voice it was.

Upon arriving at the scene, I witnessed Advani on his knees, surrounded by Devansh's men.

The sight of Advani pleading for his life was unsettling, and I had no desire to have the mark of someone's demise on my conscience.

"Michael, remove your gun," I commanded without hesitation.

As expected, his gaze shifted to Devansh behind me, and with a nod from him, Michael complied, stowing away his weapon.

"What's going on, Devansh?" Mukul's voice rang out in shock as his eyes fell on Advani.

Rushing over to Advani, Mukul seized him by the shoulder and turned to Devansh, his tone fraught with anger. "Devansh, what in the world are you doing? Is this level of brutality really necessary?"

Despite my fury towards Advani, I couldn't help but feel a similar anger brewing towards Devansh and Mukul.

Before Devansh could respond, I raised my hand to quiet him.

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