| Parinidhi's Plan for Retribution |

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On birthdays, everyone radiates joy, celebrating with loved ones. Since my parents passed away, I've abstained from marking my own birthday—it felt unnecessary. Ansh, however, persistently pushed for celebrations, but I always declined, and she would acquiesce.

But this time, I felt compelled to celebrate, particularly with Pari. The thought brought me immense joy.

Rising early, I completed my usual exercises and readied myself after a refreshing shower.

Stepping out of my room, I collided with someone, and before I could react, I saw Pari standing before me.

She was gently massaging her forehead, a slight grimace on her face as she uttered, "ouch."

Instinctively, I reached out to check if she was hurt, but she swiftly retreated, distancing herself from me.

She shot me a look that promised a storm of words about to unleash, but before she could speak, I intervened, pleading, "Pari, let's not let anger cloud today. If you must vent, save it for tomorrow."

Her response was unexpectedly calm, catching me off guard. "Why would I be angry with you, Mr. Devansh Agnihotri?" Her tone was composed, belying the intensity of her gaze.

Despite her serene demeanor, doubts gnawed at my mind—were we truly on stable ground?

Pari's gaze remained unwavering as she continued, "What I feel for you isn't merely anger; it's a resentment that won't dissipate at your behest."

Though her words struck a chord, I refused to yield to their weight. But before I could respond, she raised a hand, signaling for silence.

"I don't need explanations from you," she declared firmly. "And if you dare to repeat yesterday's actions, I'll ensure you regret this for the rest of your days."

Her eyes blazed with determination, leaving no room for doubt about her resolve.

She stormed off in a fury, leaving me standing there, watching her departure with a mix of emotions swirling within me.


As I proceeded after reprimanding Devansh, the distant echo of laughter suddenly arrested my movement.

In a mansion that exuded an eerie aura, the intrusion of laughter seemed utterly incongruous.

Cautiously pushing the door ajar, I sought the source of amusement, intrigued by who dared to break the solemnity of Devansh's realm. To my surprise, I found Mukul lounging on the sofa, engaged in animated conversation with Rahul, who wore a smile that had been absent for ages. Witnessing my brother's newfound joy warmed my heart.

Meeting Rahul's gaze, I couldn't help but reciprocate the smile, although tears of happiness clouded my vision without warning. Rahul swiftly closed the distance between us, enveloping me in a comforting embrace, which I gratefully returned.

After parting from our embrace, I affectionately cupped Rahul's face, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Always keep that smile on your face, Rahul," I whispered softly.

Rahul nodded with a smile, taking my hand gently as he led me into the room. "Come, Di, join us," he urged, guiding me to a seat. "Mukul sir is sharing some hilarious college stories."

Anshika's warm invitation drew me closer, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she gestured for me to join her. "Bhabhi, please come sit with me," she said with a smile.

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