| In the Vicinity |

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I hesitated as I glanced at my phone, a wave of unease washing over me as I deliberated whether to pick up the call.

But then, Sahil's deceitful words flooded my mind, clouding my judgment and eroding my resolve, prompting me to swiftly end the call.

Moments later, the phone rang again, but I disconnected it once more, powering it off and tucking it away in a drawer.

With my mind restless and my eyelids weighed down by exhaustion, sleep proved elusive until I finally drifted off.

Upon waking in the evening, I freshened up and made my way to the living room, where my mother and Anshika were engaged in conversation.

"Tea or coffee?" I inquired, met with differing responses from each.

Mom opted for tea, while Anshika expressed a preference for coffee.

With a gentle smile, I acquiesced, promising to prepare their beverages promptly.

"Why don't you sit, Bhabhi? Let the maid handle it," Anshika suggested kindly.

"I have a craving for a robust cup of tea, made by my own hands," I replied, my determination firm.

"A strong cup of tea?" Anshika's eyes lit up with excitement. "Then count me in for tea as well."

Returning her smile, I nodded before making my way to the kitchen, eager to indulge in the simple pleasure of preparing a comforting brew.

I deftly prepared a pot of tea, the fragrant steam rising in gentle wisps as I poured it into delicate cups. Joining my mother and Anshika in the living room, we immersed ourselves in the soothing warmth of the brew, a momentary respite from the turmoil within.

"Mom, what would you like for dinner tonight?" I asked, eager to bring a smile to her face with a home-cooked meal. Cooking had always been a source of solace for me, especially in times of separation.

"For me? Why not prepare Devansh's favorite dish?" My mother's suggestion hit me like a sudden chill.

Despite the pang of disappointment, I maintained a soft smile, determined to focus on the present moment as I took a sip of tea.

Yet, amidst the warmth of the tea, a persistent thought gnawed at the edges of my consciousness—the unspoken need to reciprocate Devansh's kindness.

Though his request had been made in jest, the weight of it lingered, haunting me with its implications. His words, spoken in his deep, husky voice, echoed in my ears, stirring emotions I couldn't quite comprehend.

Shaking my head to dispel the unsettling thoughts, I resolved to push them aside and concentrate on the simple pleasure of sharing tea with my loved ones.

"What's Devansh's favorite dish, Anshika?" I asked, my words escaping before I could filter them. Instantly, I wished I could reel them back, the weight of my mother's disapproving stare settling heavily on me. It was written all over her face: the silent reproach of a wife who should know her husband's preferences.

Caught in the gaze of her disappointment, I averted my eyes, a sudden urge to disappear overtaking me.

Anshika beamed, "You know, Bhai's all-time favorite is paneer pulav."

"Wow, that's my favorite too!" I exclaimed, my excitement slipping out before I could catch it, prompting a swift self-correction as I pondered Devansh's unwavering devotion to me, even reflected in his choice of food.

Her Nightmare | 18+Where stories live. Discover now