| Bound by Fear |

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For the past half an hour, Devansh had been driving, gripping the steering wheel tightly. My heart pounded in my ears, and with each passing moment, I felt my life slipping away, wondering where Devansh was taking me.

I had never seen such a dark and ominous road in my life. In the last 20 minutes, we had crossed three large gates where Devansh had muttered some code words, causing them to open, revealing dim lights in the distance.

As the car advanced, fear gripped me, and my eyes filled with dread as I realised the destination—not just any club, but something more sinister. From the outside, I sensed it wasn't a normal club; girls wearing revealing dresses were leaving with those men, painting a disturbing picture of what lay ahead.

With a sudden jerk, Devansh slammed on the brakes, and my head hit the dashboard due to the lack of a seatbelt. Before I could gather myself, Devansh came over, opened the car door, and pulled me out. I stumbled on my feet, but Devansh's firm grip prevented me from falling.

Devansh grabbed my left hand and began dragging me towards the entrance. Panicked, I struggled to free myself, pleading, "No, Devansh, please! I'm your wife. You can't do this to me. Please, Devansh, punish me however you want, but don't do this. Please spare me from this!"

But my words fell on deaf ears as he continued dragging me inside. Despite my efforts to release my hand from his grip, I was no match for his strength. As a last resort, I bit down on his hand with all my strength, but he didn't even flinch.

He merely glanced back at me with a sinister smirk and remarked, "It's quite satisfying to see you expend all your energy here. Inside, you won't need to struggle much. That's convenient, my lovely wife."

Upon hearing his words, my heart raced, and my breath grew heavier as we entered the club. What I saw inside was beyond anything I had imagined.

Girls were dancing on poles, while men, some seated at tables sipping drinks, watched the spectacle. Others stood near the dancers, their hands wandering over their bodies.

Devansh leaned in close to me, his voice cutting through the loud music, "Thought I couldn't ruin you more? Today, your soul will shatter, and it will shatter so profoundly that you'll never dare to defy me again."

Despite the deafening music, every word of Devansh pierced through me, leaving an indelible mark on my psyche. Tears streamed down my face as I stood there, a silent witness to the degradation unfolding before me.

Then, Devansh gestured to two bouncers, who began to advance towards us. In a desperate attempt to plead with him, I grabbed onto Devansh's coat, trembling with fear. "No, Devansh, please," I begged. "Devansh, I'll accept any punishment, but please, not this. I won't utter a word of complaint, just not this, Devansh, please."

But my pleas fell on deaf ears as the bouncers forcefully pulled me away. With a nonchalant wave, Devansh released my grip from his coat and settled into a nearby table, leaving me to the mercy of the two men who dragged me towards the back, towards the changing room.

As I stumbled backward, one of the bouncers pushed me inside, where I was confronted by two girls who were instructed to get me ready quickly.

One of them tried to reassure me, "This may be new for you, so you're feeling anxious, but if you don't listen to them, it'll be worse for you," she said, handing me a dress.

I hesitated, shaking my head in refusal.

The other girl, her patience wearing thin, snatched the dress from her and thrust it toward me with irritation, "Either you wear this yourself, or I'll tell them to make you wear it, and trust me, they'll enjoy doing it," she warned before storming out of the room, leaving the dress lying discarded on the floor.

Feeling overwhelmed, tears streaming down my cheeks, I sank to the ground, defeated by the ordeal ahead.

The girl held out the dress, her voice trembling with urgency, "Put it on, please! If you don't, we'll both suffer. You just need to stand by the pole outside."

"I will not wear this, I want to go home!" I asserted, standing firm despite my trembling hands.

"If you don't listen to them, this will happen to you," she warned, drawing back the curtain to reveal the bruised girl lying on the bed. The sight of the girl's bruised body left me speechless, my eyes wide with horror and disbelief. It shattered me to my core, leaving me feeling utterly devastated and helpless.

As she closed the curtains, she urged, "Hurry up and get ready. I'll handle the bouncers outside. If not, they'll barge in here."

Fear gripped me, but against my will, my hand moved to my pallu, and I began changing.

"Take a deep breath and imagine this is just a nightmare. If someone lays a hand on you, don't fight back, even though it'll hurt. But if they demand you go with them, you have the right to refuse," the girl explained, trying to reassure me.

Before I could respond, the bouncers came and dragged me away. As I looked back, I saw the girl giving me a small smile.

Placed against a pole, a blinding spotlight pierced through the dimness, momentarily blurring my vision. As my eyes adjusted, they locked with Devansh's. Despite everything he had done to me, amidst the sea of strangers, his face offered a strange sense of solace. But as our gazes met, I realised his expression held no empathy; his eyes devoid of any emotion, completely empty.

As I was looking at Devansh, I felt a sensation at my feet, and out of instinct, I kicked out, hitting the man standing in front of me squarely on the nose.

Enraged, he cursed at me and called me a "Bitch" before returning to his seat.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed the bouncer swiftly closing in, my heart pounding faster as he delivered a harsh slap that momentarily deafened me. Tears welled up in my eyes as he leaned in close to my ear, warning me of dire consequences if I dared to act out again.

"I'll make you regret it if you pull a stunt like that again," he growled menacingly.

As I gingerly touched my stinging cheek, the pain from the slap still fresh, my tears blurred my vision once more, but I could feel Devansh's gaze burning into me. His eyes were now filled with anger, his fists clenched tightly, but his fury wasn't directed towards me; it was aimed at the bouncer who had just struck me.

Sensing Devansh's rage, the bouncer quickly retreated, leaving me momentarily relieved. However, my relief was short-lived as a group of men began to approach me, their intentions unclear, sending a new wave of fear coursing through me.

Meanwhile, Devansh remained seated, calmly sipping his drink, his eyes never leaving me.


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