| Deceptive Alliances |

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I was perched on the terrace, the cool night air doing little to calm the turmoil inside me. The rough texture of the concrete beneath me was a sharp contrast to the soft glow of the cigarette in my hand. Mukul sat beside me, his eyes lost in the darkness beyond.

"You just uncovered this massive truth, and instead of confronting Ajit and Natalia, you're up here trying to relax?" Mukul's voice was tinged with disbelief.

The image of Ajit and Natalia's betrayal was seared into my mind, and my jaw clenched involuntarily. I crushed the cigarette in my fist, my anger making my grip vise-like.

"What's wrong, Dev? Are you going to tell me, or are you mad at me because Bhabhi left?" Mukul's voice wavered, the regret evident in his tone.

I turned to Mukul, my voice steady but filled with underlying tension. "It's not your fault that Pari left." Before I could continue, Mukul interrupted, clearly confused. "What do you mean? Bhabhi's mom found out, and that's why she took her away, right?"

I shook my head, exhaling deeply. "Mom took Pari because she has something crucial to confess to her."

"What?" Mukul's eyes widened with concern and curiosity.

Lighting another cigarette, I stared into the distance. "I don't know. Mom said it's the biggest truth of Pari's existence, something she needs to know. Mom's health isn't great these days, and she fears that if something happens to her, Pari will never learn the truth."

Mukul fell silent, processing my words. I could see him wrestling with the same confusion that plagued me regarding Mom's cryptic message.

"What kind of truth could be so vital?" Mukul muttered, more to himself than to me.

"Okay, that's one thing. But why are you letting Ajit and Natalia off so easily? You should have—" Mukul started, but I cut him off. "I can't do anything to Natalia right now, and you know why. Ansh isn't talking to me or to you. She doesn't trust Rahul anymore and sees Pari as an enemy ever since she found out about the birthday incident," I sighed, the weight of it all pressing heavily on my shoulders.

"Sorry, man, I didn't know Ansh was listening," Mukul said, his regret palpable.

"It's not your fault," I said quietly, the words hanging in the night air, mingling with the smoke and the myriad unresolved tensions that surrounded us.

"Dev, it's clearly my fault," Mukul confessed, his words heavy with regret and self-reproach. I responded promptly, feeling the weight of Ansh's knowledge pressing down on me. "Ansh knows all the details. Pari deliberately baked the cake with pecan nuts, knowing full well about my allergy. She's staying in this house because she wants payback from me. That's what Ansh believes."

Mukul's expression shifted into one of deep shock upon hearing this revelation. He interrupted with urgency, "But I only asked Bhabhi why she attempted something on your birthday. I didn't delve into anything else."

"That's exactly it," I continued, trying to make him understand. "Someone has filled Ansh in on the specifics of what happened that day. However, Ansh doesn't know the entire truth. She heard about my mistakes with Pari only through your and Rahul's argument, so she's not fully informed." I sighed, reflecting on my failed attempts to explain. "I tried to clarify, but she isn't ready to listen. All she insists on is that Pari won't return to this house, and if she does, Ansh will leave." Leaning against the wall, I closed my eyes, feeling the tempest of emotions inside me, raging beyond my control.

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