| Confronting Conflict |

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"Where are we going?" Pari asked, her head tilted in that irresistibly charming way that always made me smile.

"We're heading to a party," I replied, leaning in to press a quick kiss to her lips.

I can't help myself around her; there's something about Pari that makes it impossible not to touch, kiss, or hold her.

She drives me wild, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Dev, you messed up my makeup," she said, pouting in mock frustration, her eyes sparkling with a playful glint.

I laughed softly, captivated by her adorable expression. "You can fix it in the car," I suggested gently.

Taking her hand, I led her toward the parking area, every step filled with a sense of anticipation and joy. Being with Pari was like a beautiful whirlwind, and I savored every moment of it.

As we approached the car, Pari's eyes immediately fixated on my men gathered a short distance away, surrounding Ajit with a sense of urgency and tension palpable in the air.

"Who is he? And why are they beating him?" Pari's voice sliced through the silence, her concern etched deeply into her furrowed brow.

My men strategically shielded Ajit from Pari's view, knowing her compassion could complicate matters. I silently exhaled, relieved that she couldn't see his face.

Suppressing my frustration, I met Pari's gaze with a calm demeanor. "Pari, this doesn't concern you. Please, just get into the car," I urged gently, holding open the door for her.

Instead of complying, Pari's stance hardened, her gaze unyielding. "I asked you a question, and I deserve an answer," she insisted, her voice tinged with both worry and determination.

Her fingers drummed nervously against her thigh, a stark contrast to her usual composed demeanor.

"He's... someone who got in over his head," I began cautiously, choosing my words carefully. "My men are just handling a situation. It's not something you need to worry about."

Pari's expression softened slightly, but her concern remained evident. "Dev, you know I don't like this. Keeping secrets like this, it's not right," she said softly, her eyes pleading for understanding.

As I closed the distance between us, my hand extended tentatively towards her arm. "Am I the only one with secrets, love?" The question slipped out, laden with a weight I hadn't intended to reveal. Pari's face paled, her eyes widening in a mix of surprise and apprehension.

"What do you mean?" Her words rushed out, a blend of curiosity and anxiety. Her hand twitched slightly, but she didn't pull away.

"Nothing," I reassured her, my tone softening. Taking her hand gently in mine, I lifted it to my lips, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand with tender care. "Please, let's get in the car," I urged gently, hoping to diffuse the tension hanging in the air.

After a brief pause, Pari nodded slowly, her gaze still fixed on me with a mixture of confusion and trust. With a final glance over her shoulder at the unfolding scene behind us, she reluctantly stepped towards the car.

Once Pari was settled in the car, I swiftly shut the door and turned towards the scene unfolding a short distance away.

Ajit lay sprawled on the ground, my men surrounding him, their expressions hard and unyielding. As I approached, they stepped back, allowing me to take the lead.

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