| Echoes of Heartache |

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The ground seemed to clutch at my feet, rooting me in place as I stood there, unable to tear my gaze away from her. Every fiber of my being screamed to run after her, to stop her from leaving, but who was I to hold her back?

She glanced back once before slipping into the car, a fleeting moment of hope sparking within me, only to be extinguished as she turned away and vanished into the night.

Mukul, my friend, but seeing him with Pari was like a dagger to my heart. It felt like I was being put through a test, and I was failing miserably under Pari's icy demeanor.

I knew where she was headed, who she would meet, and despite my unwillingness, the mere thought ignited a raging inferno of anger within me. But try as I might, I was powerless to act.

One misstep would push Pari even further from my grasp, to a point where she'd be beyond my reach. I couldn't afford to make that mistake. And so, with a heavy heart, I let her go, knowing that any pursuit would only drive her further away.

But I knew exactly where I could seek solace, even if just for a few moments, because it was essential to calm the storm brewing within me. Otherwise, I might have been driven to do something regrettable, something that would only worsen the situation.

Once I arrived, I squared my shoulders and gave the door a gentle knock.

Anticipating a warm reception, I waited for the door to swing open to her beaming smile.

As expected, she greeted me with that familiar smile as soon as the door creaked open.

Returning the smile, I bent down to touch her feet in reverence.

"May you always be happy, Beta," she blessed, her hand resting tenderly on my head.

"How are you?" I inquired as I made my way inside and settled onto the sofa.

"I'm fine," she replied and without delay, she headed towards the kitchen, prompting me to rise and reach out, gently halting her. "I'm not here for anything, just to see you," I explained, guiding her back to the sofa and taking a seat on the floor, resting my head in her lap.

"What's troubling you, Devansh? Is everything alright?" Her concern was palpable as she turned to me.

"Yes, everything's fine. I just needed to see you, to feel a little better," I reassured her, feeling her gentle strokes soothe my troubled mind as I closed my eyes.

"Where's Pari? Why hasn't she come?" she inquired, her concern evident in her voice. "I've been longing to visit your home and see both of you."

"Why didn't you come then? You know it's your home too," I replied, attempting to conceal the unease in my tone.

"Devansh, I couldn't simply show up without checking with Pari first," she explained, her eyes reflecting a mix of hesitation and understanding.

"Does anyone consult with their own daughter before visiting her, maa?" I retorted, rising from the floor and smoothing out my coat. "I'll leave now."

She nodded, walking with me to the door. "Have you informed Pari about that yet, Devansh?"

"Pari doesn't need to know about all that, Maa. And frankly, I doubt she'd appreciate it. You know how headstrong and protective your daughter is," I reassured her, though a pang of guilt gnawed at me for betraying her trust.

Despite my efforts to reassure her, an unshakeable sense of guilt gnawed at me from within. The warmth of her presence, reminiscent of a mother's love, only served to magnify the gravity of my wrongdoing against her daughter. It was a tumultuous battle between the comfort I sought and the burden of my deception, leaving me torn and conflicted.

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