| Vengeful Intentions |

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As I ventured into the bustling kitchen, a member of the staff approached me with a respectful inquiry, "Ma'am, is there anything you need?"

I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in the demeanor of the kitchen staff over the past few days. Gone were the disdainful glances and hushed mutterings that once greeted my presence. While it wasn't quite respect, I found solace in the fact that the overt disrespect had waned.

"I'll be making Devansh's birthday cake myself," I announced calmly.

As my words hung in the air, I couldn't ignore the palpable tension in the room. The staff's eyes widened in surprise or perhaps disbelief as they cast furtive glances in my direction.

It was evident from their expressions that the staff was well aware of the issues between Devansh and me, but frankly, I couldn't care less about their opinions. For now, my sole focus was on crafting the perfect birthday cake for my dear husband.

"Ma'am, but shouldn't Sir's birthday cake be ordered from outside?" one of the staff members began to suggest, but I quickly cut her off, asserting, "There's no need to order a cake. I want to make my husband's birthday cake myself, and I hope none of you have a problem with that."

I injected a hint of irritation into my tone to deter any further questioning. The staff lady nodded in understanding, and I instructed them to go about their tasks while I took charge of the kitchen.

With the task of creating a special cake ahead of me, privacy was essential. As the staff members began to file out one by one, I glanced over to see Devansh leaning casually against the kitchen entrance, a smile playing on his lips.

The urge to wipe that smile off his face was overwhelming, but I suppressed my emotions, reminding myself that he probably wouldn't be smiling for long. After all, our little showdown was just beginning, and what better way to start than with something sweet?

Leaning against the kitchen counter, I watched Devansh with a mixture of amusement and defiance, my lips curved into a sweet yet sly smile. His startled expression, marked by rapid blinks, hinted at the shock rippling through him.

"You've been quite the strategist, Devansh," I thought to myself, a wry smile tugging at my lips. "Always changing tactics, trying to keep me on my toes. Well, now it's my turn to keep you guessing. Consider this a taste of your own medicine."

With a surprised expression, he extended towards me, the smile wiped clean from his face, replaced by a look of bewilderment. "Is it really you, Pari?" he queried, still attempting to regain his composure. I blinked innocently and nodded, feigning innocence, a skill I had never employed before.

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