| Shadows of Deceit |

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I emerged from our room, ready to tackle the day's tasks, only to notice a conspicuous absence—Devansh was nowhere to be found.

With a slight furrow of my brow, I ventured into the adjacent room, half-expecting to find him there, yet the space remained unoccupied.

Upon entering the living room, my eyes landed on Anshika, the sole inhabitant of the space at that moment. "Good morning, bhabhi," she greeted, her smile radiant and welcoming. Returning the greeting with a nod, I acknowledged her presence.

While scanning the room, a hint of concern tugged at my thoughts about Devansh's whereabouts, but Anshika's playful interruption brought a momentary diversion. "Are you searching for someone?" she teased, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

Joining her at the dining table, I chuckled softly. "No one in particular," I replied, downplaying my unease.

With a knowing smile, Anshika extended a plate towards me. "Bhai had some urgent matters to attend to," she explained, her tone affectionate yet matter-of-fact. "But he made breakfast for you."

A smile graced my lips as I noticed a small note placed on the breakfast plate.

Hey Love,

I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. Something urgent came up. Please have your breakfast and lunch on time. I'll make dinner for us later, and I have some good news to share too.

With love,
Your Dev
Please miss me!

His words stirred a flutter of emotions within me, a blend of tenderness and eagerness enveloping my being.

Lost in conversation with Anshika, I found myself momentarily pondering the potential contents of the anticipated good news. Yet, with a casual shrug, I pushed the thought aside, confident that Devansh would reveal all in due time.

Our exchange was abruptly halted by Reshma's entrance, bearing a letter addressed to me. "Mam this letter has arrived for Devansh sir," she announced, holding out the envelope.

Turning towards her, I gently reminded her, "Reshma, I've asked you before to address me as 'Parinidhi.' 'Mam' is unnecessary."

She offered a small smile in response, acknowledging my preference.

As I reached for the letter, a fleeting concern about the food stains on my hands made me pause. "Would you mind placing it in my room, please? I'll give it to Devansh later," I requested, mindful of protecting the letter from any accidental damage.

Reshma nodded in agreement before departing, leaving Anshika and me to finish our breakfast and conversation. Once we were done, I made my way to the room.

As I stepped into the room, my eyes zeroed in on the letter resting on the table, its surface marked with the familiar "V" emblem reminiscent of the one I had glimpsed in Devansh's office.

With a mix of curiosity and reluctance, I reached for the letter, the urge to unravel its contents tugging at me. Yet, a sense of propriety held me back; after all, it was addressed to Devansh. I debated for a moment before deciding to return it to its place.

Just as I was about to set it down, my attention was drawn to the name inscribed on the envelope.


I made it to the new home's interior site right on schedule, eager to ensure everything was proceeding according to plan.

This home was meant to be a delightful surprise for Pari, and I was steadfast in my resolve to maintain the element of astonishment by keeping her in the dark about the details.

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