| Echoes of Deception |

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"You really know my favorite place?" I exclaimed, stepping out of the car and hurrying towards the lake, my surprise evident.

Devansh followed, wrapping his arms around me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder and whispered, "I know you better than I know myself, love."

A smile spread across my lips at his words. We stood there for what felt like an eternity, silently watching the water, a profound sense of peace enveloping us.

Gently, Devansh kissed my shoulder. "Love," he began softly, "being here with you brings me immense joy, but there's something I need to tell you. Shall we walk a bit further?" he asked, his voice calm.

I nodded slowly, feeling the weight of his words. Devansh placed his hand on my waist, pulling me closer, and together we walked towards the stairs, each step taken with a sense of purpose and tranquility.

We reached the stairs, and Devansh gently guided me to sit down, positioning himself two steps behind me. His unexpected action left me puzzled, but I chose to remain silent, focusing my attention on the calm waters before us. The serenity of the scene immediately began to soothe my restless heart.

"Pari," Devansh called softly, and before I could turn around, he extended his hand over my shoulder, offering me a handkerchief.

I took the handkerchief, examining it with a mix of confusion and recognition. It seemed familiar, but I dismissed the thought, assuming that such a handkerchief could be found with anyone. Still perplexed, I turned to face Devansh, my eyes questioning.

"It's yours," Devansh uttered softly, drawing my gaze back to the handkerchief in my hand. Struggling to dredge up memories, I grasped at faint recollections, but they eluded my grasp like mist in the morning light.

Sinking down beside me, Devansh continued, his voice tinged with nostalgia, "You gave me this handkerchief exactly one year ago, right here."

His revelation struck me like a thunderbolt, flooding my mind with fragmented images—I remembered offering a handkerchief to an injured stranger.

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, I turned to Devansh, a whisper escaping my lips in disbelief, "You were that stranger?"

With a solemn nod, Devansh affirmed my realization, leaving me speechless with astonishment. The idea that I had unknowingly encountered him before our paths intertwined in marriage seemed surreal.

Turning my gaze back to the serene expanse of water before us, a tumult of emotions churned within me. Lost in contemplation, I sensed Devansh's unwavering gaze upon me, anchoring me in the present moment with its profound intensity.

I kept my gaze fixed on the tranquil waters, my heart still reeling from the revelation. "So, were you here because you knew this was my favorite spot?" I inquired softly, unable to tear my eyes away from the gentle ripples.

Devansh shifted beside me, his gaze also fixed on the serene vista ahead. "After I discovered this spot, it became my refuge whenever I felt distressed. That day, I found myself here unintentionally. It was as if my heart led me here, knowing I would find solace," he explained, his voice carrying a weight of emotion.

Although I understood my own reasons for visiting that day, Devansh's presence in such a wounded state still puzzled me. "What led you here that day, in such a condition?" I asked, turning to face him, my curiosity piqued.

Devansh drew in a deep breath, his emotions palpable in the heaviness of the moment. Turning to face me, he fixed his gaze upon mine and began, "That day, I witnessed Ajit proposing to you, and when you accepted, it shattered me. I couldn't bear the pain, so I left. I found myself driving without direction, lost in my thoughts, until I somehow ended up here, without even realizing it."

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