| A Shift in Strategy |

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I stood frozen, shock rendering me immobile as my heartbeat pounded relentlessly, each thud resonating through my chest. It felt like my heart was on the verge of bursting out.

Just as I began to process the situation, Devansh stormed into the room, his face etched with panic. He snatched the letter from my hand, tore it to pieces, and let the fragments fall to the floor.

The suddenness of his actions made me flinch, exacerbating my already heightened state of shock. Devansh's presence, combined with the sheer terror in his eyes, sent a shiver down my spine. It wasn't mere fear—it was a profound, paralyzing dread and vulnerability.

"Did you read the letter?" Devansh's voice trembled as he stammered, his eyes wide with desperation. His hands, which had been gripping my shoulders, were shaking uncontrollably.

Words lodged in my throat, refusing to come out. I was torn between the truth—that I had read the letter and discovered his mental state—and the lie that he desperately wanted to hear.

The terror in his eyes, the trembling of his hands, and the unsteadiness of his voice all conveyed the depth of his fear. He couldn't bear the thought of me knowing about his mental condition.

"P-Pari, please, tell me, did you read the letter?" Devansh's voice was barely a whisper, his lips quivering as he struggled to articulate the words.

Seeing him in such a state broke my heart. I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth. Instead, I shook my head gently. The instant I did, Devansh's hands slipped from my shoulders to my wrists, and he collapsed to his knees, still clutching my hands.

My heart ached at the sight of his vulnerability. Seeing him like this filled me with an overwhelming sense of sorrow. What anguish was he hiding inside him that had brought him to this state?

I gave him a moment to collect his emotions, then gently attempted to lift him by his shoulders, but he felt too heavy for me to manage alone.

Sensing my struggle, Devansh stood up on his own. As soon as he was upright, he pulled me into a fierce embrace, burying his face in the crook of my neck. His breath was warm against my skin, and I could feel the tremor in his body.

Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around him, my hands moving in slow, soothing circles on his back. "Are you okay, Dev?" I asked softly, my voice filled with concern. He weakly shook his head against my neck, tightening his hold on me as if afraid I might disappear.

We stood there for what felt like an eternity, locked in that embrace. He clung to me as though I were his anchor, while I continued to stroke his back, trying to offer some semblance of comfort.

Eventually, Devansh pulled back slightly, his eyes still clouded with fear and anxiety. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, whispering, "I love you, Pari. Please don't leave me."

His desperation was palpable, his vulnerability laid bare. He pulled back further, searching my eyes for reassurance. "You won't leave me, will you?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Seeing the raw emotion and desperation in his eyes, my heart ached for him. I shook my head, offering the most comforting smile I could muster. "No, Dev. I'm not going anywhere," I promised, even as my own mind struggled to process the enormity of what I had learned.

Her Nightmare | 18+Where stories live. Discover now