| Bonds Shattered | Part 1

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Kusum and I exited the office building after our interview, and I was slightly taken aback by how simple and straightforward the process had been.

Every company has its own methods, so I didn't dwell on it too much.

With the prospect of joining in just two days, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, given that it had been several months since I had last worked.

Kusum and I decided to have lunch together outside, and Michael was already waiting with the car when I finished. I settled into the car, and we headed towards home.

I rolled down the window, letting the breeze brush against my cheeks.

Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the car seat, savoring a few moments of peace. My thoughts, however, quickly drifted back to the events of yesterday.

Yesterday when I brought lunch to Devansh's office, we shared a meal together.

Instead of letting me leave afterward, he insisted I stay, assuring me he'd wrap up his work quickly so we could head home together.

Initially, I protested, but when he seemed ready to abandon his work to accompany me, I conceded and sat quietly on the sofa.

I must have drifted off while waiting because the next thing I knew, I woke up in our bedroom, and it was already night.

After dinner, I read a book for a while, deliberately reading it aloud for Devansh, who sat beside me.

He rested his head on my lap and fell asleep within moments.

Setting the book aside, I soon drifted off to sleep myself. When I woke in the morning, Devansh had already left for the office.

The sudden jolt of the car's brakes jolted me out of my reverie. Glancing out the window, I realized we had arrived at the mansion.

I stepped out of the car and made my way inside. The moment I crossed the threshold, my eyes widened in shock, and a wave of anxiety washed over me. The sight that greeted me was beyond anything I had anticipated.

I stood frozen, my heart pounding as I tried to make sense of the scene before me.

As I hastily made my way inside, endeavoring to regain my composure, I swiftly positioned myself between Mukul and Rahul, who seemed poised to engage in a physical altercation.

Mukul's momentum halted abruptly at the sight of me, his anger momentarily quelled.

"Bhabhi, step aside! I won't let him off the hook today," Mukul's voice resonated with fury.

His eyes blazed with intensity, and his clenched fists bore the crimson evidence of Rahul's blood, as Rahul's visage was already a crimson mess.

However, my heart plummeted as I observed the bloodstains on Mukul's shirt.

Despite the evident spatter, he appeared oblivious to any injury, deepening my bewilderment.

Tremors coursing through me, I tentatively gestured towards the bloodied fabric, my voice faltering as I queried, "Whose blood... is this?" My words wavered, betraying my inner turmoil, as I grappled to make sense of the unfolding chaos.

Ignoring my inquiry altogether, Mukul seized Rahul by the collar, dragging him towards the sofa and unleashing a barrage of punches upon him.

My eyes widened in horror, and I instinctively rushed forward, desperate to intervene and put an end to the violence.

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