| Devansh's Possessiveness |

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I entered the living room, my pulse racing as I absorbed the sympathetic looks from the maids. Their silent empathy only intensified my apprehension. Suddenly, Devansh extended his hand towards me, offering an ointment. "Here, take this. Apply it to your hand," he said calmly.

Caught off guard, I hesitated before accepting the ointment, unsure of his intentions. With trembling hands, I managed a weak "Thank you, sir."

Devansh's behavior left me on edge, questioning the underlying motives. Was this a genuine gesture or a subtle warning?

As he made his way to the dining table, I remained rooted to my spot, acutely aware of my limited role in serving him.

"Come here," his voice cut through the tension, drawing me from my thoughts. I approached cautiously, feeling the weight of his gaze.

"Sit," he commanded, surprising both me and the nearby maids. As I settled into the chair, the room seemed to hold its breath, every eye fixed on me.

The maid served our meals and silently retreated, leaving us alone. Devansh's solitary dining preference contrasted sharply with his decision to keep me present.

Taking the first bite, Devansh's eyes betrayed a hint of approval, yet they remained fixed on me. "Are you going to eat or just waiting for me to feed..." His words trailed off, realisation dawning on him mid-sentence, catching me off guard.

Maintaining my focus on the plate, I felt his gaze linger, but once the meal concluded, Devansh left without a word, leaving me to decipher the significance of his actions.

I entered my room, feeling a sense of heaviness in my chest. Applying the ointment to my hand, I lay down on the bed, my mind swirling with thoughts. The silence of the room amplified the questions racing through my mind.

Should I ask Devansh if I could go home next week? Would he agree, or would I face consequences again? how essential it was to inform Ajit about my marriage.

Feeling a sudden surge of determination, I decided to seek Devansh's permission. After all, he seemed to be in a better mood today. With hesitant steps, I left my room and headed towards Devansh's. As I approached, I noticed the door slightly ajar, inviting me in.

Peering inside, I saw Devansh seated in his chair, holding a photo frame, his eyes glistening with tears.

My eyes widened at the sight, realising I had stumbled upon a vulnerable moment. Just as I was about to withdraw, my hand grazed against the door handle, causing a slight noise. Devansh looked up, his gaze meeting mine, and he beckoned me inside.

His voice, though gentle, carried a hint of sternness as he said, "Come in."

With a mixture of nervousness and apology, I stepped into the room, my words tumbling out in a rush. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just about to leave when... when my hand accidentally hit the door handle."

I kept my eyes lowered, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me, unsure of how Devansh would react to my sudden intrusion.

Devansh placed the photo frame back into the drawer and wiped away the tear from his cheek with his index finger before turning to me and asking, "What is it?"

"S-sir, I wanted to go home next week for a while. I'll come back immediately. I need to see my mother," I replied, still keeping my gaze fixed on the floor.

Devansh stood up from his chair and started to approach me, each step making me take a step back until I finally hit the wall. The thought of another confrontation with Devansh sent shivers down my spine, knowing that his dominance would leave its mark on me once again.

Placing his hands on either side of me against the wall, Devansh trapped me and demanded, "Say it again, what you just said, and this time, speak the truth."

My eyes widened in fear at his words, and I found myself unable to speak, as if my voice had been taken away. I remained silent, staring at the ground.

"Look at me," he said sternly.

I reluctantly raised my eyes to meet his, and suddenly, Devansh grabbed my chin firmly yet gently with his hand and demanded, "Repeat it. You told the truth earlier, didn't you? Why can't you say it again?"

His tone was so forceful, as if he already knew the truth about my intentions. It shook me to my core, making me feel as if my insides were trembling with guilt.

"Are you going to see your mother or Ajit?" Devansh questioned. The sadness that had lingered in his eyes since morning had vanished, replaced by a palpable sense of anger and resentment.

My eyes widened, and my heart began to race as panic surged through me. I struggled to free myself from his firm grip on my chin, feeling overwhelmed and unable to think clearly under his intense gaze.

Devansh's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Who are you going to see?" His eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, his grip on my chin unwavering.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I confessed, "I just wanted to tell him about our marriage."

"Next time, don't lie to me," Devansh's words were like a thunderclap, reverberating through the room. "I despise lie more than anything, but what I despise even more is betrayal."

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his disappointment bearing down on me. "I'm sorry. I will not meet him, I will not lie," I vowed, my voice trembling with sincerity.

Without warning, Devansh crushed his lips against mine, his kiss demanding and possessive. I felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through me, as his hand trailed down to my waist, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't comprehend.

As our lips parted, his grip on my waist remained firm, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "Your past is irrelevant now. You belong to me," he declared, his voice a low, menacing growl.

Caught in his gaze, I felt a rush of adrenaline, my heart racing as I struggled to comprehend the depths of his passion and possessiveness.

As I lay on my bed, Devansh's words echoed incessantly in my mind, overshadowing every other thought. Despite my efforts to push them away, they persisted, gnawing at the edges of my consciousness.

Devansh's behavior was beyond my comprehension; sometimes he would subject me to abuse, while other times he would assert his possessiveness over me.

If we were to accept this marriage, would I be able to escape this abuse?

Would he ever give me love and respect?

I drifted into an uneasy sleep, seeking refuge in the sanctuary of my dreams, if only for a fleeting moment, from the tumultuous reality that awaited me.


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