| Broken Illusions |

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"Rahul, let's hurry up, we're getting late," I called out while waiting outside his school.

"Yeah, di, I'm coming," Rahul replied, annoyance evident in his voice as he bid goodbye to his friends. "How many times have I told you not to pick me up from school?" he grumbled, his frustration palpable.

I gently ran my fingers through his hair, sensing his unease, and asked, "What's wrong, Rahul?"

"Everyone teases me because my sister still comes to pick me up. It's embarrassing," Rahul confessed, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

As we crossed the road, I held Rahul's hand firmly, offering reassurance. "So what? My college is right next to your school, and our timings match, so I come to pick you up," I explained.

"But di," Rahul protested, but I cut him off. "You feel ashamed because of me," I asked, searching his eyes for understanding.

"No, di, I won't say that again, sorry," Rahul replied, his tone contrite, as we neared our house.

"Why is there such a crowd outside?" Rahul asked, noticing the commotion.

Seeing the crowd, confusion clouded my mind, but it quickly turned into fear and dread when I noticed the white cloths. My steps faltered, and I bit my inner cheek to fight back tears as I looked at Rahul. "Rahul, doesn't your friend Vikram live nearby?" I asked urgently. "Go there, I'll come to pick you up in a while."

"But di," Rahul protested, but I insisted, "Do as I say."

"Okay, di," Rahul responded obediently and headed in the opposite direction. With a racing heartbeat, I rushed towards our home.

As I stepped through the threshold, the weight of dread bore down on me like a crushing wave. There, in the dimly lit hallway, lay my father's motionless form, bathed in an eerie stillness. My mother's anguished wails pierced the heavy silence, echoing off the walls, while the hushed murmurs of mourners swirled around me like a haunting melody. In that moment of utter despair, I sank to my knees, my voice torn from my throat in a primal scream of agony, "Papa!"

"Papa!" I jolted awake with a scream, my forehead slick with sweat. Gazing at my trembling hand, I surveyed my surroundings and recognized the familiar sight of my bedroom. It slowly dawned on me that I had been lost in a dream while asleep.

As my consciousness struggled to separate dreams from reality, the savagery of Devansh's actions persisted, haunting me like an eerie gust of wind swirling around me, casting a chilling aura. The terrifying scene from moments ago resurfaced vividly, playing out before my eyes once more, causing a cold shiver to run down my spine, sending a bone-deep chill through my entire being.

"No, Devansh, please," I pleaded, my voice quivering with fear. "You're misunderstanding everything. I haven't done anything wrong." I lay on the bed, feeling helpless as Devansh loomed over me, his grip firm on both of my wrists, pinning them above my head with one hand.

He seemed unfazed by my words, gazing into my eyes before pressing his lips forcefully against mine, kissing me with intensity. I struggled to free my hands, but to no avail. Then, he began biting my lips aggressively, causing them to go numb, leaving a metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

Without much effort, Devansh pushed his tongue into my mouth, starting to devour me from within. Suddenly, the taste of alcohol filled my mouth, and my eyes widened in shock and horror.

Devansh's brutality in his drunken state terrified me, and the thought that he could cross all limits in his intoxication sent shivers down my spine. I struggled with all my might, As Devansh was engrossed in the kiss that his grip on my hands loosened. Seeing an opportunity, I quickly pulled my hands away and pushed him with all my strength.

In his intoxicated state, Devansh stumbled and fell to the side of the bed, creating a brief window of opportunity for me to flee. Seizing the moment, I hurriedly rose from the bed and sprinted towards the door, my sole aim to unlock it and break free.

But before I could reach the door handle, Devansh intercepted me, grabbing my hand midair and wrenching it behind my back. With his other hand, he clutched my neck and forcefully pressed my face against the door, trapping me in a suffocating grip.

"Do you think you can escape me? Do you?" Devansh snarled, his voice dripping with malice as he twisted my hand. "Because I don't give you the love you deserve, right? Well, tonight, your prayers will be answered," he taunted, his grip tightening like a vise around my trembling hand.

"Devansh, please, no!" I implored, my voice quivering with fear and desperation, tears cascading down my cheeks as I fought against his hold. "Don't do this, Devansh, please," I begged, the weight of terror heavy in my trembling frame. "I'm your wife, Devansh."

"Ah, the devoted wife," Devansh sneered, his words laced with disdain as he forcefully turned me to face him. Caught in his menacing gaze, I stood paralyzed, my heart pounding with dread.

"No, please, listen to me," I pleaded, my voice quivering with fear and desperation. "Don't do this," I implored, tears cascading down my face as I struggled against his grip.

But his response was cold and unforgiving, each word cutting deeper than the last. "If you needed to satisfy your desires, you should have come to me. What was the need to spread your legs for another man?"

His words struck like a dagger to my heart, leaving me shattered and vulnerable, my pleas falling on deaf ears as I faced the ultimate betrayal.

I was so taken aback by his words that I found myself frozen, unable to continue struggling against him. In an instant, he grabbed the straps of my dress and yanked them down, exposing my bra.

The shock propelled me to let out a scream, and instinctively, I covered my chest with my trembling hands. But Devansh, with an unyielding force, forcibly removed my hands and started planting rough kisses on my neck. Despite my tears and desperate attempts to resist, Devansh seemed determined to sink his teeth into my skin, causing me excruciating pain.

With a swift and forceful motion, he pulled my dress further down, baring more of my body, and in one swift move, he pulled down my bra, leaving my breasts exposed. Dread and fear gripped me as I saw the intensity of desire in Devansh's eyes. Without hesitation, he seized my breast in his mouth and began biting down, each bite sending waves of agony coursing through my body.

I continued to push him away, but my efforts seemed futile as he remained unfazed. Suddenly, his hand moved towards my other breast, and with a forceful tug, he tore the dress, causing it to fall to the ground, leaving me exposed. Then, he began to squeeze my breast forcefully, despite my struggles, I couldn't budge an inch. He bit down on both my breasts, causing me pain and anguish.

As his hand started moving downwards, I instinctively recoiled, screaming for him to stop. "Please, let me go, Devansh," I cried out, my voice trembling with fear. "Don't do to me what happened with your sister". I don't know how those words escaped my lips, perhaps fear and terror had reached such a peak that they spilled out involuntarily.

Devansh seemed to snap out of his trance, shock written all over his face as he loosened his grip on me. I collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably, as Devansh, in frustration, ran his hand through his hair and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The screech of the car tires as he drove away served as a grim reminder of the nightmare I had just endured, leaving me to wallow in my shattered existence.


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