| Echoes of the Past |

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Next day, As the clock neared 7 in the evening. I found myself nestled in a corner of a bustling café. The choice of location and timing was mine alone.

Naturally, meeting a stranger in an unknown place wasn't my style; it wasn't safe, and I wasn't about to take any unnecessary risks. After taking a sip of my coffee, I placed the cup back on the table and stole a glance outside through the café's glass wall. My gaze landed on the figure I had been anticipating, the one behind the mysterious messages. Yet, despite my expectations, a flicker of hope danced in my heart, wishing that perhaps my assumptions would be proven wrong.

"Oh, hello there, Miss Beautiful," Sahil greeted as he settled into the chair opposite me.

I shot him a pointed look and retorted, "It's Parinidhi Verma, and I'd prefer if we kept our conversation focused on business rather than exchanging pleasantries."

Sahil chuckled at my response and raised his hands in mock surrender. "You're quite the enigma. Most women would lap up compliments, but here you are, getting all worked up."

I remained silent, knowing his words were just a facade.

He then ordered himself a coffee and slid a file across the table to me, adding, "Take a look at your dear husband's antics, or should I say, his obsession with you."

Though reluctant, my trembling hands reached for the file, unsure of what Sahil intended to show me. With a sense of apprehension, I flipped it open, only to find Devansh's photo staring back at me from the very first page. Confusion clouded my mind. Why was Sahil showing me pictures of Devansh?

Just as I was about to question him, Sahil's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Keep looking."

Reluctantly, I turned the pages, each one revealing another photo of Devansh. Anger simmered within me, threatening to boil over, but I continued flipping through the file. Then, as I reached the fourth photo, a wave of shock washed over me. It depicted a familiar place, a spot near my home where I frequently passed by on my way to the office.

My heart pounded in my chest as I studied the photo more closely. Each picture featured Devansh, but they were all taken at locations significant to me. It was as if he had been following me, watching my every move.

"Got the gist?" Sahil inquired, attempting to break the tense atmosphere.

I remained silent, my gaze still fixed on the file before me, wrestling with the anger building inside. With a frustrated exhale, I closed the file, trying to quell the rising tide of emotions, and shut my eyes, seeking solace.

"Oh, are you already scared? Trust me, there's plenty more to uncover," Sahil remarked in a teasing tone.

Sahil's attempt at lightening the mood with his playful comment only grated on my nerves. "I'm not in the mood for jokes," I retorted sharply, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "Humor isn't exactly my forte these days. Let's not make things worse."

Sahil's playful demeanor faded, replaced by a more serious expression, yet a faint smile lingered on his lips as he reassured me, "I was just trying to ease the tension. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers."

I set the file down on the table, reclining in my chair with my arms folded tightly across my chest.

Sahil seemed to sense my expectation, realizing I was awaiting his exposition. "Devansh had his eye on you two years before the wedding. Almost immediately after he first laid eyes on you... Well, within a week, he had acquired the company you used to work for. And as for the subsequent events, I'm sure you're well aware of the alterations in your department and the other maneuvers," he elucidated.

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