| Confrontations |

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"Tangled Webs" is out on stck!

The voting target for the last two chapters hasn't been met yet, but I updated the chapter because many of you requested it.

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It had been more than an hour since I found myself lying on the floor, locked in a fierce struggle between my mind and heart.

I had chosen to forgive Devansh's past mistakes and accepted this forced marriage as a normal one, giving him an opportunity.

All I had demanded of him was to cease the violence.

Perhaps I had overestimated my importance in his life.

I had begun to believe in his words as truth, but how could I overlook the fact that actions speak louder than words?

When his actions failed to reflect the love he professed in words, why did I allow him a place in my heart?

I had never experienced love before. Did it have to be Devansh, the person my heart chose?

Despite my heart's yearning for him, my mind stubbornly refused to accept it.

Because Devansh had repeatedly shattered my trust, lied to me every single time. But not anymore.

The faint creak of the door announced Devansh's arrival. Instinctively, I recognized his hurried footsteps approaching.

Without hesitation, I rose from where I lay and steadied myself against the wall.

"I'm sorry," his voice was barely audible, tinged with unmistakable pain.

Silent and unmoving, I kept my gaze fixed straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge him.

Devansh reached out his hand towards mine, but I jerked it away sharply, moving to sit on a nearby chair.

He followed closely behind, his presence looming over me.

"Pari, I'm sorr—" Devansh's apology was cut short by my furious glare.

"What am I supposed to do with your apologies?" I erupted, rising from the chair to confront him directly.

"I know I've hurt you. You're angry with me, but please try to under—" he began, but I interjected sharply, jabbing a finger into his chest in anger.

"Understand? What am I supposed to understand, Devansh?" I pressed on, my voice firm and unwavering. "You explain it to me."

"Pari," Devansh began, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and remorse, "I asked you to leave because I needed to speak with Ansh. Given her current state, I was afraid she might say something that would hurt you."

His hands found my shoulders, drawing me nearer, his eyes reflecting a blend of sorrow and repentance. "I never wanted you to be hurt, Pari. I regret losing control and shouting at you. I should never have done that. Please, forgive me."

My response was measured, each word chosen to convey the weight of my feelings. "Devansh, I've given you many chances. But forgiveness isn't something I can offer easily now. It's become a pattern for you to cause me pain, and I can't simply ignore that."

"No, Pari, that's not true," he protested softly, his touch gentle as he cradled my face in his hands.

"What did you and Anshika discuss?" I pressed, unable to endure the uncertainty any longer. "I need to know. I can't remain in the dark any more."

Her Nightmare | 18+Where stories live. Discover now